View Full Version : Worried/anxious - genital issues...

25-02-14, 15:35
Hi all,

I have an anxiety problem going on and I am rather worried and seeking reassurance.

I am too nervous to go to the doctors about this, for some reason I feel really anxious and a bit scared.

Anyway, this may come across as rather unpleasant, and obviously some of this is a male orientated issue but any advice is welcome!!

The problem is my penis often feels wet. Like damp/wetness down there, especially when I am out walking, and I go for a walk every day. However, when I get back and look, there is no sign of any discharge or stains or anything. It feels wet from the tip, but there's absolutely no sign of anything when I check.

I also notice when I get home from a walk that my backside feels sweaty and there will be sweat marks in my underwear (how pleasant!) I don't know if this is "anal leakage" or just sweat? In fact I just feel really hot and sweaty around that whole area, and I'd say there's a feeling of irritation - that's the best word I can use. It's not crazy itchy, it just all feels really irritated at times, like I say mainly when I am out walking.

This has actually been going on a while, but I've noticed it a lot more in the past few weeks, and I am wondering if it's psychological now or if there is actually something going on down there.

Obviously if I check online it will all points to STIs, but they mention discharge which looks thick or cloudy, which I would say implies that you can see it, not just feel dampness. Has anybody else suffered with such issues? I feel really reluctant to go and get it seen to, for some reason - I'm not self-conscious about it (ie - I don't mind a doctor poking around down there) but I just feel too worried to go, if that makes sense. It could be I am sweating heavily down there, clothes too tight, or anything. But I am just mega worried.

Any advice would be great,


25-02-14, 15:47
Hi i had the same feeling for a while doctor told me it was a circulation issue as i was a very keen cyclist it all so occurs if you spend a lot of time sitting and a possible sign of a very small hernia in the groin nothing they would consider being a issue i have 2 small hernias and they don't need any kind of medical attention.

Go ask GP i am sure you will be fine let me no how you get on i all ways worry about this area as well
never shows anything :)

25-02-14, 16:05
Hi i had the same feeling for a while doctor told me it was a circulation issue as i was a very keen cyclist it all so occurs if you spend a lot of time sitting and a possible sign of a very small hernia in the groin nothing they would consider being a issue i have 2 small hernias and they don't need any kind of medical attention.

Go ask GP i am sure you will be fine let me no how you get on :)

Thank you very much for the fast reply, Dexterjames :)

I do spend a lot of time sitting at my desk. My posture is pretty terrible, I've been trying to improve it but subconsciously I slouch. Not sure if that could cause any issues such as hernia.

How did they come to the conclusion for you and do you still have this feeling/sensation? It's so frustrating - the tip of my penis (right at the opening) sometimes feels really wet (not to the touch, just a feeling of it being wet down there whilst I walk etc) but nothing is evident when I check, and it's got to the point now where I've started wondering whether I am imagining it.

I do want to go to the GP but at the same time I'm very worried. It's kind of like, a worry that I'll be told it's something bad. Or that if I do go, the doctor will do no physical investigation and I'll get told something that doesn't put my fears to rest.

25-02-14, 16:18
Thank you very much for the fast reply, Dexterjames :)

I do spend a lot of time sitting at my desk. My posture is pretty terrible, I've been trying to improve it but subconsciously I slouch. Not sure if that could cause any issues such as hernia.

How did they come to the conclusion for you and do you still have this feeling/sensation? It's so frustrating - the tip of my penis (right at the opening) sometimes feels really wet (not to the touch, just a feeling of it being wet down there whilst I walk etc) but nothing is evident when I check, and it's got to the point now where I've started wondering whether I am imagining it.

I do want to go to the GP but at the same time I'm very worried. It's kind of like, a worry that I'll be told it's something bad. Or that if I do go, the doctor will do no physical investigation and I'll get told something that doesn't put my fears to rest.

You will get a physical investigation its a important area for us men ask him to do it, BUT i am sure he will any way, 1st time i went they had me up on the bench and checking everything, I have had this and my postures bad and i sit a lot at computers.They will check everything down there,You might well be imagining it especially if you anxious i still do.

I am sure your fine if your like me you analyze that part and check it constant you would no if anythings out of ordinary.

But go get it checked you be fine and your mind will be at rest see a duty doctor tonight then get home and have a cuppa tea :)