View Full Version : Chest Pain Party

25-02-14, 18:52
Hi, everyone! *waves* I believe this is the first thread I've made about my actual symptoms, so it's a new and exciting experience for everyone. ;3

I've been diagnosed with panic disorder as a result of several visits to hospital emergency departments over the space of about 30 days. My most typical physical symptoms were elevated heart rate and chest pain or discomfort. I've had a half-dozen EKGs, plus an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) and cardiac stress test, the results of which were interpreted by a cardiologist and determined to be within normal parameters for my age (27) and lifestyle (sedentary).

Medication-wise, I've been on 25mg of Atenolol to control heart rate and 40mg Citalopram daily for several months. I've maintained pretty frequent discomfort, typically in the area of the left pectoral muscle or the area just ahead of the left armpit. (I also frequently have a ringing sensation with feeling of heat in my ears.)

Today, I had perhaps the worst chest pain of my life. It was substernal (below the ribcage), pretty close to the "bottom" ribs. This pain lasted a few minutes, with onset occurring while I was watching YouTube videos on my desktop PC. My heart rate and blood pressure were great. I'd additionally been belching all morning, so I took a couple of antacids and told myself it was gas/indigestion. As someone with a lifelong interest in emergency medicine, I like to think I have an awareness of things like this greater than that of the average person. Having said that, I still freaked out and, in defiance of what I considered my logical understanding of my health situation, spent more than 90 minutes browsing the Web and these forums, perusing accounts of folks who've had heart attacks to see how my experience contrasted and compared.

I'm feeling significantly better now, and even typing this message improved my mood tremendously. Isn't it amazing how fear can override knowledge and understanding?

Please feel free to provide insight or feedback, and by all means, you're welcome to tell me about your own struggles with chest pain. Thanks for taking the time to read through!

- Steven

25-02-14, 19:16
As a sufferer of both anxiety and acid reflux it still amazes me that I am caught off guard and thinking I am having a heart attack when I am not!

I think that even with knowledge about a subject when things happen you don't react with knowledge it's the old fight or flight.
