View Full Version : I'm so scared, just ate undercooked chicken

Round in circles
25-02-14, 19:19
I don't know what to do. I was out for dinner and the chicken wasn't cooked properly. I ate it because I was too scared to complain or make a fuss. I don't know what to do. I'm really, really scared.

25-02-14, 19:42
Can restaurants serve uncooked chicken....

What made u think it was uncooked


Round in circles
25-02-14, 19:45
It was a little pink, but that's not the worst bit.. It had this weird gelatinous texture to it. It wasn't right. Even mum agreed with me that it might not have been cooked properly.

25-02-14, 19:48
This is why idont eat chicken from anyone except for what I cook....

I would have sent it back and complained..

I think the worse that could happen is you get a dodgy tummy maybe?


Round in circles
25-02-14, 20:11
I wish I had sent it back, but I have this stupid inbuilt voice that tells me I'm being stupid and to "eat what I'm given". If it had been at home, I wouldn't have eaten it, but in restaurants I feel almost paralysed. It's my birthday tomorrow. It was meant to be a nice night out, and now I'm so so scared.

25-02-14, 20:16
I always have someone have the first bite/taste/sip of whatever im going to eat or drink, my mum said I did it when I was a toddler, if theres no one with me I wont eat or drink until someone can taste it for me....

Im weird with food and drinks, if something dont look right I wobt touch it, I also have to smell things beforehand too...

I even smell my hands before I do too which I didnt realise until someone pointed it out to me that I did.

Im sure you will be fine, just see what you are like in the morning

Oh and happy birthday for tomorrow x

26-02-14, 00:27
Sometimes chicken is a little pink when it is cooked properly, but I understand your concern, especially given the funny texture.

Try not to panic too much, you'll only make yourself sick with worry! Your stomach has very strong acid so it is a possibility that even if you did eat chicken that was a little raw your stomach will kill off any bacteria anyway. And there may not have been any bacteria on the chicken as well.

However, you might get sick with food poisoning. Generally this will only last a couple of days, but it can make you quite unwell sometimes. If you do find yourself with an upset stomach, just go to the doctor and let them know that you may have eaten raw chicken. They may be able to give you something to help.

Remember, you might not get sick, so don't freak out too much. There isn't much you can do now but wait and see unfortunately. But you're prepared and know the cause if you do get sick, which means a quick trip to the doctor if you get unwell should catch it early and get you well faster.

26-02-14, 01:08
As has been said, not much you can do now. Worst case scenario is you'll be hugging the Porcelain Queen for a day or so and best case nothing at all will happen. You'll know soon enough. Usually food poisoning issues start within 12-24 hours so if by tomorrow nothing has happened, you're in the clear ;)

Hope all works out for the latter.

Positive thoughts

26-02-14, 03:06
My child's preschool teacher allowed him to eat uncooked cookie dough around Christmas (which contains raw eggs).
I was terrified he would get salmonella, but he was fine.
Besides, I did some research at that time, and only rarely do eggs or chickens have salmonella... and even if they do, it is never fatal to people with healthy immune systems, and rarely even requires hospitalization. At worst, you'd probably vomit or have diarrhea for a few days, no worse than the stomach flu.
I think you'll be okay.

Round in circles
26-02-14, 16:38
Thanks for the responses everyone. It's been a bit of a bleh day. Had stomach cramps, chills and felt really tired. I'm hoping this is as bad as it gets. Mum said she didn't feel right last night but was better today, so crossing my fingers. Trying to go super easy on my tummy today, so I got to watch my mum and sister eating my birthday cake :(

26-02-14, 17:13
I think my sister once ate undercooked chicken on holiday she just had a dodgy stomach for a while, even though it was just a small piece, the waiter was not bothered about being undercooked, we never ate there again on holiday. Whilst in Egypt I probably saved a few people being food poisoned in the hotel, the chicken on the buffet were undercooked completed pink, my dad had a quiet word with the chef, and took the chicken away, as an award the chef bought me some fresh cook chicken and for me and my parents a few small cakes.

26-02-14, 19:15
I ate 'off' chicken once, albeit two mouthfuls but I noticed the taste was weird and realise what had been smelling in the fridge. Tried to tell my MIL but she wouldn't listen hahaha.

No probs, not even queasy except for when I realised what I had done! x