View Full Version : melonoma..... AGAIN

25-02-14, 19:21
Im sick of thinking it myself so im pretty sure youll get sick of me on about it pretty soon too.

Im obsessing Over my mole again...

I mean what if it looks normal and has never changed in gof knows how many years but its turned cancerous without it changing and I dont know about it

Thrre was a bit of dry skin on there yesterday and I pulled it off, why was there dry skin on it???

Also, for aout a year ive been smelling a smell, wouldnt say burning its more like a warm smell like how warm would smell, I dont smell it all the time mainly at night time.... I was silly and googlef and it said brain tumor.... now im freeking out, would I be dead by now if it were a brain tumor???? Even though its not like a burning its like a warm smell

25-02-14, 20:39
I think I posted on a thread that you could play connect the moles on my back and draw a giraffe or some other animal ~lol~ We all have moles and the chances of them turning sinister are pretty slim in the big picture. Besides, your doctor will check you out.

As far as the smell.... could it be you're thinking too much about melanoma? ;) j/k ... Actually, I've seen that posted here several times and it's a symptom of anxiety.

Positive thoughts

25-02-14, 20:45
And now im thinking my mole has gone dry all over ot feels rougher than it normally does

---------- Post added at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:40 ----------

Thays proberly what it is you know, my minds burning out with thinking about melonoma...

I honestly thought I was over this particular mole fear but its creeping back for some reason and I dont know why maybe my minds telling me that there acrually is something to worry about with it and I should acy on it maube???

And really is the smell thing really a anxiety thing and I havent got a deadly brain tumor cause ive been smelling it on and off for 2 years...

Thanks for the reply.... and reassurance

---------- Post added at 20:45 ---------- Previous post was at 20:43 ----------

Also its not a nice thing to go to the doctor and ask him to check it as its on my right breast rigjt by the nipple so its kind of embarrassing, more for me I think, doubt he minds haha