View Full Version : septicaemia/meningitis fear :/

25-02-14, 19:32
im really scared about having septicaemia. for the past week I've had a uti which hasn't been treated, and today i work up with a sore head and my forehead feels hot but i don't feel very feverish or ill. my tummy is a bit upset too.

im worried about having septicaemia from the uti. also my wisdom teeth are growing in and my gums feel sore and inflamed so im anxious about an infection from that too. i want to go the out of hours but it's miles away and i don't have any money in my purse right now and im not fit to walk it but i want to see my gp tomorrow morning. im just worried that will be too late :/

what are the signs of septicaemia because i want to remain vigilant until i see my gp. thank you.
my limbs are quite achey now too and i don't think it's a virus because i never get viral illnesses. thank you.

25-02-14, 23:01
I don't think you should worry about septicaemia. It happens when bacteria gets into the bloodstream. This is extremely unlikely from a UTI. You definitely do not sound like you have symptoms of it so you needn't worry. Also, your wisdom teeth are growing, which will give you headaches and fevers. I get a fever every time my teeth grow. I don't feel feverish, but like you I feel achey and unwell and my forehead feels hot. Your gums will be sore and inflamed from your teeth growing because they have to break through the gums every time they grow a little bit more. If you take some paracetamol it might help with your headache, fever and gums.

You should be fine to see your GP in the morning. Just talk to them about both the UTI and your wisdom teeth and they should be able to give you meds for the UTI. If your teeth look like they may be a little infected you'll be able to get some antibiotics :)