View Full Version : Tmj?

25-02-14, 19:49
Well thankfully my stomach seems to be calming down somewhat now. But when one thing subsides another finds its way in...
Yesterday I began to notice I had a gritty feeling in my eye. Then it felt like someone was stabbing my eye. I ignored it for a while but as the day went on my head started to feel tender on that side. I cannot touch it even giggly without it hurting. It's in my cheekbone, temple and top of my head.
In the end I called the dr for some advice and they asked me to come in. She said she thought it might be TMJ. She did some feeling of my face and temple, pushing the side of my head etc. and said she was sending me for a blood test but thought it would be negative. She said she wasn't going to tell me what it was for as I would worry. I didn't say anything but I knew (from googling in the past, you can't unforget what you've read) it was for temporal arteritis. I'm trying to let the concern wash over me but there's a little voice (not as big as it would have been a couple of days ago) saying, oh no it's bound to be that and you're going to have a stroke. Simply because I've been so worked up with rage these past weeks.
So I'm in bed with my meditation again and an early night...

25-02-14, 19:57
I've had all of what you said and I have jaw problems so I'm sure that's all it is, My ears even play up :)

25-02-14, 20:00
Can it cause tinnitus? ?

25-02-14, 20:00
I was thinking, well surely it would be on both sides if you were clenching? Not just one. And I realised I've had a headache before once or twice in the same place. Like someone has hit me on the side of the head?

My scalp feels so very tender. It's like an area the size of my hand that is tender.

I am focusing on the fact she was a bit flippant about the blood test that she thinks it's most likely TMJ. Fingers crossed.

---------- Post added at 20:00 ---------- Previous post was at 20:00 ----------

TMJ? Yeah I think so Phuzilla.

25-02-14, 20:10
Yeah it can cause tinnitus, and no it can be one side if you have a bad bite.

The right side of my head gets shooting pains and tenderness because of it. But that's calmed down since I got my guard.

Here's a link for what it can cause: http://www.healthboards.com/boards/tmj-disorder-temporomandibular-joint/108754-symptoms-tmjd.html

25-02-14, 20:14
Great link thanks!

25-02-14, 20:41
There are many other websites that explain it in more detail if you want the extra information :) I just use that link to rationalise some of my problems.

25-02-14, 22:59
hi i have this too ..i have loads of little muscle trigger points in my jaw and it feels lumpy ..sometimes sore..saw oral surgeon who told me i need new top teeth as my ones are loose so the lower jaw is taking all the strain..also get crunching and cracking..its horrible..have fibromyalgia too..

26-02-14, 07:07
Thanks guys. It's top of my head this morning. Think a patch of my head feels slightly improved. There's no doubt I clench my teeth together (don't grind) when I'm stressed. I will have to try and take note of when I'm doing it and see if its more one sided...

26-02-14, 09:21
After months of the sort of things you are getting, plus numbness in my gums, sinus pains etc etc I saw an oral surgeon who, straight away, said TMJ caused by anxiety. It was one side only. I had a mouthguard made to try and stop it and to protect my teeth. The best thing I ever did was to see a brilliant oesteopath. He explained how everything ie nerves, muscles etc were all interconnected and then he worked on the muscles. It was very painful to begin with as the muscles were so full of trigger points but it worked. He was so reassuring too which is what I really needed. I have been very stressed lately and have reluctantly started citalopram (I'm a complete medical/pill phobic) and can feel some of the strange sensations again, but I'm not worried as I know what it is. It is amazing what the masseter and adjoining muscles can affect. I wish you well x

26-02-14, 10:53
Ah thanks for your reply :)