View Full Version : Sharp stabbing pain bottom of sternum

25-02-14, 23:27
Last 10mins I been getting sharp stabbing pain on the bottom of my sternum like stabbing pain every couple of seconds.
I haven't done anything just been sat here on my PC.

25-02-14, 23:40
Hey, I have a lot of pain in my sternum. I find with me touching it really hurts. I spoke to my counsellor about this and he said the sternum is one of the thing that hurts most when you have been tense, through worry and anxiety. It's because of the way everythings connected.. I can't remember this all exactly! He said its nothing to worry about and very common x

26-02-14, 00:13

I had a bit of pain the lower sternum today, too. It's far more likely to be something innocuous than life-threatening. If it persists and you're deeply concerned, I'd recommend you consult a healthcare professional, just to ease your mind.

26-02-14, 00:58

I've had something similar before - very sharp stabbing pains in my sternum which worsened when I breathed in deeply. This probably lasted about half an hour. Recently my sister had the same and hers was so bad that we rushed her to the doctor to get checked out. When it started it was constant and extremely sharp and painful, then it slowly lessened in level of pain and frequency (kind of like backwards labour pains, haha). The doctor told her it was the inflammation of muscle/lining around the sternum/ribs and that it was actually quite common, and very painful. There is something they can give you to reduce the inflammation. It could possibly be this. My best advice would be to visit your doctor if it continues and ask their opinion. Only they can tell you with certainty what is causing the pain. They may be able to give you something to ease the pain.

26-02-14, 17:31
Hello, thanks for your replies..the pain did go away after 15minutes (thank god) otherwise I probably would have ended up ringing the doctors and keeping my mum up all night. I took omeprazole capsule to see if it was indigestion and it did make a difference or it could have just been coincidence.

This however, isn't the first time this has happened I've had it a lot worse where it hurts to move my body or turn, even breath. So I will definitely mention it to my GP the next time I go :)

28-02-14, 21:36
Definitely mention it to your GP. Given that it is sharp stabbing pains I highly doubt it would be your heart playing up, however, it does sound like it could be the inflammation thing I was talking about if you've had it a few times, or something muscular. Interesting that the omeprazole helped, I guess there's no way to tell if it did make a difference or was coincidence until it happens again unfortunately. However, you could mention this to your doctor to as it may help them narrow down the cause :)