View Full Version : Miscarriage for me :( Now worried about general anesthetic

26-02-14, 01:04
Well, my worst fears about this pregnancy turned out to be well founded. I knew from 6 weeks something wasn't right and when I had an ulrasound yesterday I found out that the baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks. I've had no bleeding or anything so the miscarriage hasn't happened naturally. I don't want to spend the next two or three weeks waiting for it so for my own sanity and so that I can carry on working and looking after my kids, I need a D&C. This is honestly my worst fear as I am terrified of dying under general anesthesic. Apparently they only put you under for ten minutes and it's a very quick procedure. I know it has to be better than bleeding and being in pain for weeks and weeks but I am so so scared of dying and leaving my gorgeous children behind. I just don't know what to do :(

Well I've had a couple of days of bleeding and cramps and I think I've passed everything naturally, I will find out for sure on Tuesday when I go to the epu. Physically it wasn't as painful or scary as I thought, but it's been hard emotionally. I am hoping I'm past the worst now.

26-02-14, 02:20
Oh cattia I'm so very sorry.

26-02-14, 02:33
Thanks Rose. I belong to a parenting forum as well and three of the ladies I chat to on there also had mmc this week :( It seems like it's happening to everyone and I'm worried it will happen again next time but most of all I'm worried about dying under GA :(

26-02-14, 02:37
I understand you fears. My mother had a D and C before she had me she says it was a quick procedure. If you are that afraid you could miscarry naturally but that is going to be very hard I'm sure. I'm praying for you. Hugs :hugs:

26-02-14, 02:51
I know the D&C would be my best option, it will be quick and painless and I can move on from it, plus weeks of bleeding and pain isn't that great with a busy job and two small kids to look after so I guess I will have to go through with it. It's just the thought of drifting off to sleep knowing I might never wake up or see any of my loved ones again. I guess it really comes down to my fear of death. It feels like a sort of mini death to be put to sleep!

26-02-14, 03:00
I've had 2 d&cs (both to scrape out endometrial polyps) under general anesthesia, and those are the only two times In my life that I've ever had anesthesia.
I actually LIKE it, believe it or not. I was scared at first too, but not anymore.
Besides, they put you under very light anesthesia for a d&c ... you don't even need a breathing tube or anything. It's extremely safe.
I am sorry about your pregnancy loss.
I had hoped to get pregnant this month, but I just found out that it didn't happen... and what's more, we're shelving the whole plan for now (and likely forever: I am 41 years old) so that I can get on medication for my anxiety and depression.
I am grateful for my children, but I did want one more, so it's sad to realize that probably will not happen.
I wish you peace and healing, and a healthy pregnancy when you are ready to try again.

26-02-14, 07:11
I'm so sorry to hear this. I had followed your posts (didn't have any experience so was unable to offer advice) and hoped your fears were wrong. I hope you're feeling as well as possible and everything goes as should xx

---------- Post added at 07:11 ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 ----------

I've had a GA and can understand your fears and I had no kids then. It really is so much quicker than drifting off and the anaesthetist I had was very good with me panicking about it. I saw things in films about them counting back from ten but in reality I was gone after nine lol!

26-02-14, 07:20
Hi Im so sorry, I've had 2 mmc and both times I've let nature take its course but i wouldn't advise it as it is very painful when the time comes and really not a nice thing to experience especially when your already grieving for your lost baby, sending love and hugs x x x

26-02-14, 09:09
I'm so sorry to hear of your miscarriage. My daughter in law suffered one last year and, like you, it was a missed miscarriage. She opted to have a D and C and she was absolutely fine. It was their first pregnancy and they were devastated finding out at the 12 week scan. Happily she is now 24 weeks pregnant. I've only had one GA many years ago and was terrified. Apparently I came round saying 'am I alive'! Tucked into a jam sandwich and was fine. I hope you don't have to wait to long. Sending hugs x

26-02-14, 09:44
Cattia I'm so sorry to hear this, how devastating for you. I hope that you have enough support going through all of it. Know that you can come and talk to us here at any stage about how you're feeling.

It's understandable to be anxious, I think any woman would be in this situation.

Take reassurance from the fact that tens of thousands of women have gone through a D&C for many reasons, and it's been successful and fine. It's a very safe process that your surgeon will have done so many times they could practically do it with their eyes closed. Trust them to do the best possible job they can for you.

Take care of yourself x

26-02-14, 10:01
Sweet heart I SO sorry to hear this, you know a d&c is a better option, I've had a miscarriage and the natural procedure can be physically and emotional painful. Iwant go into detail. But procedures like this are done everyday, you'll be fine. They are very good at what they do, being an anxious person or not, everyone is somewhat concerned about going under. Be brave, thinking of you.

26-02-14, 12:56
Thanks so much for your kind words everyone. Unfortunately, because I was so early on they can't offer me a D&C until next week because they have to wait a week to re-scan me. I understand that these guidelines are so that they don't risk ending a pregnancy that could have become viable, but it kind of sucks for me because I know this pregnancy isn't viable and it just means I have to wait around. As I have bleeding and cramping already it might have happened naturally by then, but it's not really the route I would have chosen. Nonetheless,, it is what it is. I am lucky to have very good support and two amazing children already, and hopefully this won't affect our chances of having a third although I am getting on a bit at 37 so I know the chances are not what they were a few years ago.

26-02-14, 12:57
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

Having undergone many surgical procedures, I've been "under" many times. My experience is that it happens so fast you don't have time to think about it. Here's the thing. If, in the very, very, very, very, VERY remote chance something were to happen, you're in the best possible place right? ;)

Positive thoughts

26-02-14, 14:26
Cattia i am really sorry to hear this :( I have had 5 miscarriages and had a D&C after each one. I have also had GA to remove polyps in my uterus. The procedure does not take long at all. Even if you let it happen naturally as I did with 2 of mine, I still needed a D&C just to make sure everything was clear. The amount you will be given will be small and you will be fine. I know I had similar fears the first couple of times but after that it didn't worry me at all. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Round in circles
26-02-14, 17:00
So sorry to hear your news Cattia. Sending you a big hug :(

26-02-14, 17:04
I'M so sorry hun, I have had 3 Miscarriages in the last year and a half i had two under general anesthetic, i am so scared too, but you are under for 15-20 mins max so it is a very light anesthetic, i always cry before i go down end in a panic attack wake up in recovery and feel very relieved, honestly hun the chance of anything happening is ridiculously low. With my last last miscarriage i decided to let nature take its course as i was scared of surgery again however i i started bleeding, lost 2 pints of blood and ended up having to have surgery and a blood transfusion, i really wouldn't recommend it hun, its a horrible experience. PM if you want to talk about what will happen etc xx

26-02-14, 20:03
So very sorry to hear this Cattia :( I know you were convinced something wasn't right, we all wanted you to be wrong, so sad that your fear was real.

I can totally identify with your fear of the GA, the fear of the unknown, but you will be fine, you'll have lots of people looking after you, and if it happens naturally in the meantime...well it may not have been your first choice but what will be will be.

37 isn't old, I know the medical profession call anything over 35 geriatric when it comes to pregnancies, but it reality many many women have babies into their 40's with no problems. I shouldn't think you'll have any probs getting pregnant again when the time is right.

Lin xx

26-02-14, 20:46
I am so sorry for your loss! You will be in my prayers!!

26-02-14, 21:41
I'm sooo sorry for U xx best wishes xxx

27-02-14, 02:33
Thank you so so much for all your kind words, and to those ladies who have shared your own experiences, thank you and I am sorry that this is so common and so many of us have to go through this. It looks as though I may have to do this naturally as they won't confirm a miscarriage and offer me a D&C until next week. Am hoping it isn't too awful and once it's done I can move on. Thank you again for all your support Xx

27-02-14, 12:57
Sorry for what you are going through really no how you feel, thinking of you, toria x

You will get there xx

28-02-14, 18:15
Thank you everyone, I've updated my original post Xx