View Full Version : intrusive thoughts

26-02-14, 06:39
Hey there my name' is ward and I'm 18. For the last two months I've been in a bad mind frame. I've sufferd mental disorders since I've been 11 to panic and anxiety disorder s to being hospitalised with psychotic episodes of psychosis. I've had periods in my life mental health has been fine to where I'm a mess. Lately I've bee. Obsessing over thoughts that Im a pedophile and I want to hurt children. It started around a freind of mines child a intrusive thought came and . Started getting very anxious. I also get thoughts of hurting my family and suicide like what if kill myself without my controll. I have spoke to a few people and they think it could be Ocd. What are my options? Just 2 months ago I was fine no thoughts of suicide and was well enjoying life like a teenager

29-03-14, 00:12
Hi bukendaa,

First of all, I'm glad you shared your thoughts with us. I know that this is not easy and require braveness. I know what you're going through and it's definitely not easy. I can see that it's about a month ago that you posted this thread - how are you now? Have you shared these things with a therapist?

I can tell you that obsessions about sexuality (like the fear of being a pedophile) or hurting people you love are all part of OCD - you get them because it scares you like nothing else and because it couldn't be more far away from the person you are in the reality. The same thing is true with the fear of losing control and do something horrible.
I will ask you to take a deep breath and remember that it's only intruisive thoughts and not real. However, I will recommend you to speak to a therapist about these things, I'm sure this would make it easier to deal with.