View Full Version : Interview

26-02-14, 09:47
so i have an interview tmr and im scared and i dont know why. I keep thinking of everything. i need a job. i need to help my girlfriend. i need this i need that and its the field im trying to get into. i am scared of panic during the interview. why is this happening to us?!

26-02-14, 10:54
If you worry about panicking, you will panic! Try to do some research on panic - learn that is is just 'fear of fear' and it cannot harm you, it is just unpleasant.

Float into the interview with a relaxed mindset, if you can. Find a quiet place, sit back, close your eyes and practice some positive visualization.. As we know what we think about, what we picture, is what happens. If you expect panic, panic will happen - if you expect to be calm, being calm will happen.

Turn it on its head. Accept that if you have negative feelings, you will still be ok, but picture yourself being comfortable, happy, calm, relaxed, from the moment you walk in until the moment you leave. Picture yourself answering questions with ease, picture yourself floating through it, feeling more and more positive as it goes on.

When you catch yourself thinking 'this and that will happen if i don't get this job' turn it around, flip it, think to yourself 'what will happen if i DO get this job?' Positive visualization is a little harder when we spend so much time thinking of things which could go wrong, but go on, i dare you to turn it on its head and think about what could go RIGHT!

I hope this helps, you're welcome to PM me if you need more tips on how to do this. And good luck!

semper solus
26-02-14, 13:40
Try to remember the people who are going to be interviewing you are not there to interrogate you. They will be trying there best to put you at ease and comftable. The reason being is that they know will not bring out the best in that person if they adopt that way. Another thing to remember the people who interview often get nervous as well. Good luck walk in with a warm smile and knock em dead :)

26-02-14, 22:09
I think it is really important to remember than your interviewer will expect you to be a nervous! They are more likely to consider someone who is nervous about a job and a little unsure of themselves than someone who is overly confident and sure of everything. Being nervous indicates that the job is important to you, and don't be afraid to say that in the interview.

Interviewer - How are you doing today?
You - I'm good thanks, a little bit nervous, but good.
Interviewer - Why are you nervous?
You - This is a fantastic opportunity and I'd really love to work here, so I'm just a little nervous about how the interview will progress (*light chuckle here*).

Remember, sometimes even interviewers are nervous. It can be an intimidating situation for everyone. Just breathe and be yourself. People want to hire someone likeable that they can see themselves working with :)

26-02-14, 23:03
Just don't worry.

They have a position open, they want to interview you. Because they think you are good enough.

Don't encourage your panic by thinking of the 'what if's'. Just be cool,
Calm and confident and try your best. :)

27-02-14, 04:20
thanks for all the replies. i just got through it. i feel like i did good. but everything i do now is worry about having anxiety or panic. like everyday lately since my woman is leaving me i been worrying/dealing with stress, depression, anxiety and panic attacks. i am going down the hill like crazy. i feel crazy.