View Full Version : Anxious wait

26-02-14, 10:47
Well I have had my blood tests today for my stomach pain and pain in my head. I'm very nervous about them. My head is still very sore on one side. Especially at the top as well. I think I might try and see when my eye test is due and get one of those. My tummy is settling down so one good point I suppose.
Bucketfuls of chamomile tea today and fitting some relaxation in where I can. Hopefully another early night as I slept fitfully against night as I had restless legs?
I don't know if my blood results will be back before the weekend, I think it doubtful.
I'm having ESR, liver function, calcium and ipth (?). None of them sound pleasant :/

27-02-14, 13:05
Well pleased to hear my results are back already and all normal.

27-02-14, 13:08
That's good news:)

27-02-14, 13:22
Yes a relief.

27-02-14, 13:37
Take care u have a lovely bath with lavender oil in and a hot chocolate then head to bed xxxxxxx glad the blood test was ok

28-02-14, 21:47
Fantastic news, it's always such a relief to know nothing serious is going on.

Re: the restless legs, unfortunately this is quite common in anxiety sufferers. As Spuder said, try a hot bath to help relax :)