View Full Version : Please stop now! So sick of this!

26-02-14, 11:56
I'm so sick of anxiety. Really getting to me. After 10 years I am still just as bad as I was when it first hit me.

Today I went to the doctors to get a sick note. Anxiety has put me out of action for the next 2 months, doctor has labeled me unfit for work.

Been told to stop drinking completely. Which I am doing. And to take my meds. Which I struggle to do because I worry to much about the side effects. The tiredness from citralopram kicks me in the butt!

Just now I was sitting on the sofa, started to feel like I was going to puke. I was reading a medical article before it happened, and it got me worked up (I have cardiophobia and hypochondria too). Next moment I felt sick, stomach was really hurting. Went to the toilet and had a number 2. Got up, intense stomach pain, had to stand at the bathroom window and get some air. Then had another poop. Now it's all gone. All I am left with now is the aftermath of a horrible panic attack.

I have noticed for years my panic attacks bring on pooping. And the poop is usually soft, or even diarrhea. One time I went for a job interview and ran off the buss, and had to beg the lady of a bakery to use her toilet. That was an awful experience.

Today I've used the toilet about 7 times. No joke. And it's not even 12pm. First when I woke up, pre-doctors appointment. Then when I got back. We have people coming to view the house in a moment for a potential buy (landlord is selling) so maybe that's causing stress.

Why, oh why, does anxiety have to ruin my life.

At times the attacks are so bad I honestly think I'm about to die. And I've had to deal with this for 10 bloody years without any give!

It doesn't matter what the situation is, I am still in full anxiety mode. I was paid a nice healthy 5k the other day for doing a bit of programming for someone. I should have been over the moon and gone and spent it on some new goodies, but I didn't. I got my girlfriend to go out and pick up what I wanted for me. This sort of happiness and excitement used to kill my anxiety for a few days, or even a week if I was lucky. Not any more. Anxiety has become immune to that.

And to make matters worse, my doctor told me the chance of a complete cure from anxiety is very slim. Our brains are not wired correctly and we will always have it in the back of our minds. The only thing we can do is learn to make the attacks go away when they happen. Not sure how true she is, but she said most of her patients with anxiety have never gotten over it, they just learn to adapt and learn to feel good about themselves which in turn puts them back in control but in the long run anxiety will always fight you, you just have to be strong enough to fight back.

Why can I never feel positive and happy no more?

26-02-14, 12:00
I was reading a medical article before it happened

Why, oh why, does anxiety have to ruin my life.

There is a link here.

You need to completely ban yourself from reading anything related to your health, symptoms or illness.

26-02-14, 12:03
Talk about your doctor looking on the bleak side:mad:

26-02-14, 12:08
Talk about your doctor looking on the bleak side:mad:

I know. I said to her "All I want is for this to go away now. 10 years with this is not fun it's destroyed me". And that's when she said it. I was like .... oh.

On the plus side she's put me in touch with CBT therapy. I hope that works. I honestly do not want to take meds.

26-02-14, 12:25
And to make matters worse, my doctor told me the chance of a complete cure from anxiety is very slim. Our brains are not wired correctly and we will always have it in the back of our minds. The only thing we can do is learn to make the attacks go away when they happen. Not sure how true she is, but she said most of her patients with anxiety have never gotten over it, they just learn to adapt and learn to feel good about themselves which in turn puts them back in control but in the long run anxiety will always fight you, you just have to be strong enough to fight back.

You could look at this two ways, that you will be prone to anxiety forever, or that you will be suffering forever.
Sure anxiety is something we have learned and is very ingrained - we are all worriers, but that's what makes us who we are and why people like us the way they do. We can't change who we are - but you don't have to have an anxiety disorder forever and you don't have to be unhappy. There are many people on here who have changed their lives by giving their anxiety a new place.
Don't be disheartened. No matter how long you've had it, you have the same ability to recover if you let yourself and don't fall for those anxiety pulls. People have stood testement to it. It's what you put into it that counts as anxiety is caused by you (unless you have found out it's a dietry thing).

26-02-14, 12:25
Read cymraigchris letter if you haven't already. I don't know how to share it sorry lol

26-02-14, 13:34
Read cymraigchris letter if you haven't already. I don't know how to share it sorry lol

I seen this letter in another post and started reading it about half an hour ago.

Also does anyone have any books on anxiety? Any really good books? I've read a few generic ones that were poor tbh.

---------- Post added at 13:34 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

Well just took my first Citralopram, 20mg. Feeling my heart beating a little harder. Waiting for the tiredness to smack me in the face now. Doctor said I need to stick at them in order for them to work and the side effects will go away.

26-02-14, 13:48
Yes stick at them and they will work eventually. You may like to try an alternative med with no side effects called inositol which is relatively cheap in powder form and can help you float past the side effects.
Claire Weekes is the holy figure of anxiety.
Read the whole of Chris's text, it should make sense to you.

27-02-14, 05:32
man i feel for you... im been dealing with it for 5 years but it recently got very very very very bad... I do not want to take meds and no one wants me to drink anymore. my mind is killing me. and then it makes my body all messed up. shaking, panic attacks, all that bad stuff and no one really understands. its freaking horrible. I wish the best for you. i really really do. I dont want to suffer anymore either.

27-02-14, 09:40
I have suffered forty yes so no were yr coming from if I won lotto it wouldn't help the way I feel as I got older the more anxious I am my fear started at 12yr old afraid of dying and its stopped me living a life like I say the older I get the nearer yr time is likely to be up so maybe that's why I am struggling for first time ever I was so bad I went to a&e and this past week been having a lot vision probe don't no if that's cuts I am double anxious after eye test telling me I have high pressure at back my eyes not need eye drops every thing scares me clair weeks say a sensatised nervous person is afraid of so much she not wrong take care x

03-03-14, 11:46
I wonder if needing to go to the toilet suddenly is one of the rarer symptoms. I've read a lot of posts on here and when people talk about panic attacks, it's mainly feeling sick/nauseous/dizzy with heart racing and sweating. But when I have them, I need to poop badly. And within seconds. It's impossible to hold. Your bakery experience brings back lots of memories. I say memories because I rarely leave the house these days.