View Full Version : jaw clenching/grinding teeth - my teeth feel like they might fall out!

26-02-14, 12:11
This is just horrible my jaw is so sore and my teeth actually feel like they are getting loose..they feel really sensitive and I have no dentist as in a new area!

I'm not sure if the clenching and grinding is because of the cit (im about 2 and half weeks in) or if its a physical affect of my anxiety/depression? Anyone else having this...im scared my teeth might fall out! I'm going to take a diazepam as that seems to stop ot for a while but I can't be taking that everyday (I only have 6 left and use them for emergencies) but I need some relief from this its hurting and I can't stop doing it!
Id love to hear from anyone who has gone through/going through the same x

26-02-14, 12:22
I do this with normal anxiety, my medication made it worse though. try and find a dentist to get an appointment and they'll make you a guard :)

26-02-14, 12:24
Your teeth won't fall out. I had a lot of these problems last year but after seeing an osteopath everything pretty much settled. I've about the same stage with cit as you and have found that it is back, not so bad, but definitely back. I'm wondering also if it's the cit as I am tense, partly because, as you know, I don't like meds! Perhaps your GP will let you have a few more diazepam until you are settled on the meds. Mine is quite happy for me to carry on for a while. It does seem quite telling if the diazepam improve it. Normally it is tension in the masseter muscles that causes it (TMJ). As I write this I can feel myself biting! The sensitive teeth is also part of the condition, try sensodyne toothpaste. It can also affect all the nerves too. It's harmless but can be quite painful and the symptoms, especially for those of us with HA, can be distressing. All part of our damned anxiety! X

26-02-14, 12:34
Thanks for the replies. I'm back at the doctors next week so will mention it then. Its so hard to get an NHS dentist where I am but will ring the waiting list number.
It feels like my teeth have become magnets constantly clenched together. I wish I could stop it!
I've never heard of TMJ? I will look it up. If a gum shield would help I defo want one...do you think a boxing one from a sports shop would do the trick? X

26-02-14, 12:39
No I don't think it would Gem as it is a lot bigger which sometimes causes you to clench more. Plus chances are you won't be able to sleep with it in if you need too.

26-02-14, 12:44
Ok thanks, fingers crossed I get a dentist soon or maybe the doc can refer me to someone x

26-02-14, 14:29
Hi Gemlou, I am waiting for a guard myself after awful teeth grinding, Luna advised me they are a good helps so worth a try. Do you not have a dental hospital near you? If so you can walk in and explain you problem. My teeth are all sharp and causing tongue problems too, hoping this will fix it.

26-02-14, 15:41
Hi ceeceecee, that's great you have one being made. Yes I think there is a dental hospital I didn't realise you can just turn up! I have sparp bits too and I've lost a filling. I've also become aware that im sometimes biting my cheeks. Sometimes I get the urge to brush my teeth really hard because my mouth just feels so horrible...its really weird. X

26-02-14, 17:28
Lasted for about a week for me around 2.5 weeks in, also found myself tensing all my other muscles as well

26-02-14, 17:45
Its a side effect of City. I have been getting it too. I clench in the night and its causing pain in my neck from it. Also pain at the base of my scull....I am certain it is from the Cit.

27-02-14, 07:37
Hope mine goes like yours did zeitgeist!

I had it bad last night too Sarah after the diazepam wore off. Lay in bed for hours couldn't sleep because of it so caved in at 1am and took another diazepam! X