View Full Version : weird feeling when falling asleep...

26-02-14, 18:43
i get this sometimes its very weird its like your throat kinda feels tight and you cant get a fall breath or like a missed breath. hard to explain its when i lay down flat to go to sleep i dont have it all the time thought. its really hard to describe, if anyone has or had this and knows what i am on about that would be cool.

26-02-14, 18:54
Yes i get it on and of sometimes i all so keep swallowing saliva but when i am not conscious of it it goes.

26-02-14, 18:57
Hi Eddy, Yeah I have had this a couple of times and it can be very scary - i try to think about other things or walk to the bathroom for a glass of water - that usually helps the feeling move on.

26-02-14, 19:33
I've also had this feeling kind of like I feel I can't breath for a breath of two. Makes me panic a bit.

Female healthanxiety
26-02-14, 19:43
I get this all the time!

It feels like the air in the room has been dramatically sucked and my throat is adjusting.

It's just anxiety, try sitting up for a while.

I tend to go on my phone and read something which distracts me.

Don't worry!

27-02-14, 15:43
Yes.. definitely anxiety.....I get it when just dropping off to sleep if I have a nap in the day.... but not at night strangely!.

There are loads of posts about this on NMP.....there is a proper name for it but I just can't think of it at the moment.:doh:

27-02-14, 17:59
Hi hun :D

As you can see, your not alone with this symptom, I have had this too.

What I found helped, was to learn some breathing exerciser, by doing this we are teaching ourselves, WE are in control, even though, we WILL always breath, no matter what, its an automatic response .

When this symptom occurs, we can feel a little out of control, feel we can't do anything about it, but if you learn your breathing, this helps..

There are a few different types of breathing exercisers, find one that works FOR YOU. There are threads on hear about breathing exercisers, if you can't find them, I will see if I can find them for you :yesyes: you can also get them off the net.

Not had this symptom in a long time, it does pass...