View Full Version : wind feeling in ears

26-02-14, 19:03
Hi does any 1 get a windy throbbing feeling in ears when there is loud noises
I get this all the time especially if my daughter is shouting loud at her brothers my ears feel like there going to explode.

26-02-14, 19:18
Yep, I get this a lot. I've always had stuff like this with my ears. Have you had a cold recently? I'm getting over one at the moment and it's blocked up my ears a bit and thing noise / sensation you've just described keeps happening in my left ear! More of an annoyance than anything dangerous :)

Could be a minor infection or possibly a perforated eardrum? (I've got one of them at the moment as well!)

26-02-14, 19:20
Yeah I get this a lot, it's really annoying when there are loud noises like alarms or music. I think it's part of my tmj/migraine issues, my hearing is really sensitive.

26-02-14, 19:46
Yeah I get this a lot, it's really annoying when there are loud noises like alarms or music. I think it's part of my tmj/migraine issues, my hearing is really sensitive.

You mention TMJ since this attack of horrible anxiety i have had i cant stop gritting my teeth i don't do it when i am asleep my wife says, I would say its kind of a clenching more then gritting my teeth the windy throbbing ears all so only started a month into my issue,I had a special blood test for my ears came back normal don't no what test is called cant remember.And i think CAT-SCAN i had would pick up jaw issues. It is strange as i think this is tightening the mucles on my head and cause my ears to go windy wild lol

26-02-14, 19:50
If you're clenching your jaw a lot then this can cause all kinds of issues, it's very likely that your ears are sensitive because of it. Stress reduction will help you if you do it from anxiety. If you're doing it in your sleep then a visit to you dentist might help, they can often give you a mouth guard that will help.

---------- Post added at 19:50 ---------- Previous post was at 19:49 ----------

You can still have muscular issues despite nothing irregular on the scan, the jaw muscle is very powerful and can cause a lot of problems if it's overused. It's the tension from clenching that can cause issues when there's nothing physically wrong with the jaw.

26-02-14, 19:54
Yep, I get this a lot. I've always had stuff like this with my ears. Have you had a cold recently? I'm getting over one at the moment and it's blocked up my ears a bit and thing noise / sensation you've just described keeps happening in my left ear! More of an annoyance than anything dangerous :)

Could be a minor infection or possibly a perforated eardrum? (I've got one of them at the moment as well!)

Yes it a real big annoyance :)

---------- Post added at 19:54 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

So HoneyLove what your saying is the anxiety is possible causing me to clench causing all these horrible head tightening sensation?
I guess i got o figure out how to stop clenching :(

26-02-14, 20:34
Absolutely, anxiety makes your jaw muscles tense without you even realising it until it begins to cause you problems! It can create muscle tension anywhere in the body, but the jaw is very commonly affected. It can also be the cause of grinding or clenching at night, stress is a very common trigger for this unconscious action.

The very first thing you can do to manage it is start treating your anxiety, and introduce a daily relaxation method into your life. The less worrying you do the less stress chemicals your brain will release, and the more relaxation you do the more relaxing chemicals your brain will release! There's a science to all of it, stress affects your body in many ways. Do a little research on stress management and relaxation to begin with :)

Oh and your dentist can help too :)

26-02-14, 21:14
Ohh honeylove is right about Tmj and anxiety! If you do have Tmj your dentist can give you a guard to wear at night I think :)

26-02-14, 21:22
I have done a lot of research on how stress effects you but i just cant get it into my head been stressed for years but all ways brushed it of looks like it caught up with me BIG time well i was hoping i would not get a jaw issue but looks like its a trip to the dentist next :doh: