View Full Version : Going to blow my own trumpet!

26-02-14, 19:18
If i do say so myself, I've had a really good day. Bearing in mind I have found it hard to make it out of my bedroom as of late. Today I have been down to our local town to go to the doctors to press for my operation date to pushed forward. Went in the supermarket, picked my boys up from school and took them to the park with the help of my lovely partner. All the while fighting off the monsters of anxiety. This may seem to a lot of you, not a lot and you probably do this all the time but to me it's massive. I have been laying on my bed now for weeks to scared to do anything, scared of parts of the house, scared of the noises the children make and scared basically of everything. Such a difference from yesterday where I had to make quite a long journey to a occupational health appointment with a very lovely friend for company. Terrified in the car to the point I thought I was going to have a heart attack, too terrified to have coffee with her because I felt on the point of collapse. What a difference 24 hrs can make. I know my anxiety well enough to know it's not always going to be like this but at last I have a day that I can put a marker next too and think you fought it well today lady. I have my first CBT tomorrow after 3 months waiting. I'm so hoping that it works for me and then I can start to make a recovery med free and get my booty back to work. Already the monsters are trying to make me pay by giving me strange symptoms like unsteadiness, random pains here and there but I'm hanging in. I'm fighting back with ok your there, I can feel you but I don't really need you to be around. Here's hoping for the night to remain positive. :yesyes:

26-02-14, 19:25
Brilliant!!! You've done really well & it's great that u have shared your success :-)

26-02-14, 19:44
Well Done!! I am so pleased you have managed to have a good day and your attitude sounds so positive today :) xx

26-02-14, 20:04
Well done! You should be very proud! It's all about these steps on the way to feeling great! X

26-02-14, 20:07

26-02-14, 20:47
That's really good :-) keeping positive is a winning key in fighting this :-)

26-02-14, 20:47
It's posts like these that make all the difference! :)

26-02-14, 21:01
Just another check on the ticking list. Two very happy boys off to bed because mummy read them a story, acted the fool and sang silly songs. I feel like a mummy again :D now I have to start to relax as all sorts of symptoms are kicking in trying to remind me that I should be a jibbering wreck. Lots of weird sensations going off all over my body but on top of that is elation in my own self, my courage I thought I had lost it. It probably will diminish soon as tiredness kicks in but I will remember this day and try to fight again tomorrow.

26-02-14, 21:08

26-02-14, 21:40
Well done! I too am gaining my confidence back. I found out my anxiety problems were due to gluten, but I still had my lack of confidence to contend with.

Yesterday I took a 1 hour train journey to the south of Liverpool, changed lines at a Station and came back into Lime Street. There I had a coffee with a friend and we walked to get the train home, only problem there was a train broken-down in the underground and the trains weren't running. No problem, so my friend decided to get a taxi back. Totally relaxed all the time, except when climbing the various stairs when I needed an oxygen cylinder, but though I was out of breath I didn't panic.

Yes, I was nervous at some points, but I was easily able to cope with it. This after 36 years of anxiety - so it can be done.

I'm planning on trips even further afield now!!!

Go for it!!

26-02-14, 21:58
Brilliant! Well done Shakey. Amazing progress. Let's be proud of ourselves! It's such a buzz when you finally get a day that you can be proud of. Hope you have many more adventures and escapades :D

01-03-14, 21:08
Loving all this ..... Success and in the lead up to that.... Courage and bravery......