View Full Version : Heart problems or just another scare?

26-02-14, 22:21
Hi I'm writing this because I'm worried about my heart, over the past few day's i have experienced pain in my abdomen left arm and pain under my left shoulder blade, i'm very scared. I had a ECG done last year that came back clear. I am 19 year's of age and very worried that something is wrong, i have no idea what trigger's this feeling as if it's fate that i must become ill, but i have had this feeling since my grandmother passed away 6 year's ago, i have periods where i feel safe and calm and then months wear i feel like death is only seconds away, i guess what i'm looking for is reassurance, i just don't know what else to do

26-02-14, 23:08
At 19 years old it is extremely unlikely that you're experiencing heart problems, especially if you had a clear ECG last year. It could very well just be that anxiety is causing you a lot of muscle tension that you don't notice, so you are experiencing pain related to that. From the area it is in, it may also be that you have poor posture. Do you spend a fair bit of time sitting at a computer/dest or with a computer/book on your lap?

26-02-14, 23:19
That you for your response it's most comforting. I hardly venture out of my house yes i sit in front on my computer almost all day everyday, and i have been told this, I feel very silly and shamed when I leave A&E almost every week for something new. I don't know how to handle this anxiety here's a quick list of all the symptoms i have experienced in hope's that somebody might know how to remedy them :/

Heart palpatations (starting at the age of 13)
twitching of the arms, leg's, back, neck, eye lid's (everyday for as long as i can remember )
Migraine headaches ( once in a long while)
Pain pretty much all over my body ranging from sharp to dull
night sweat's ( threw ruff periods of anxity
Swollen lymph node's (Neck, Groin, Armpit)

26-02-14, 23:43
I think one thing you should consider is getting treatment for your anxiety, and that's likely to help you with a lot of the physical results of anxiety. Can you ask your doctor for a referral, or look into the online free courses available?

26-02-14, 23:53
I think if you are in front of a computer most of the day this could definitely explain your pain. I've been working full time in an office for the last few weeks before I go back to uni and I've had awful back, shoulder and chest pain from sitting in front of a computer and leaning over to type 9 hours every day!

Regarding your other symptoms, the all over muscle pain sounds like it is definitely a result of chronic anxiety. Anxiety causes all over muscle tension because your body is on 'high alert' and just waiting for something bad to happen. This means that your muscles are going to be very sore from all that tensing. You might not notice the tension happening, but your poor muscles do! This is also the reason a lot of the time for twitching. Your muscles are so used to being tense that when they do start to relax they react by twitching because they have been tense for so long.

I think it'd be a good idea for you to check in with your doctor and see if they could refer you to someone who specialises in managing anxiety. Like Althea said, getting help for the psychological aspect of anxiety REALLY does help to relieve the physical symptoms. Your doctor may also be able to give you some advice on how to best manage and treat your physical symptoms in the mean time. I'd suggest a lot of stretching and walking around to try and relieve some of that tension.

27-02-14, 00:35
Have to agree with the others James. At 19 it's VERY unlikely you have heart problems. Anxiety does crazy stuff to your body. It really does cause physical symptoms. Getting help with your anxiety will help alleviate the symptoms you're experiencing.

Positive thoughts

27-02-14, 00:45
Thank you very much people, this is my first time using the forums and I have to say I feel much more positive! I shall be sleeping tonight so thank you for that. :bighug1: