View Full Version : Health anxiety related to grief?

26-02-14, 23:31
Hi everyone, I am brand new here. For over a year I have been putting off dealing with my health anxiety issues but have decided to try by joining here.

My anxiety stems from late 2011, when 3 women in my church were diagnosed with cancers - one at age 18 (brain tumour), one at age 40 (stage 4 bowel cancer) and another (who is the mother of the 18 year old) in her late 40s (breast cancer). This happened all within a few months. The 18 year old died after complications from surgery. The 40 year old (who was my aunt) was getting treatment, but she got severe depression and took her own life 9 months after her diagnoses. She left behind her husband and 5 kids. The lady who had breast cancer got surgery and treatment and is currently doing very well.

I had never really given much thought before to cancer and thought that only older or unhealthy people got it. So it affected me greatly when these 3 young healthy women were diagnosed. Since then I have had terrible health anxieties - it reached a very bad level this time last year. I don't know if it's part of the whole grieving process or not. I'm constantly worried about getting bowel cancer and breast cancer.

Anyone who has had similar feelings of health anxiety after the loss of a loved one I would love to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

27-02-14, 01:40
Hey Hun trust me I can so relate to you. I have lost my Mum to Cancer My Sister to suicide , my brother died 1year later then I lost another brother to a blood clot. Then my Dad passed away and another Sister passed away with Cancer. My family duentoma argument when I was a little girl never mad their peace and I guess I was a legacy of that if that makes senss. But yes it hits you as it as done me now and it can make you so sure that there is something seriously wrong. Facing that fear is the hardest part xxx