View Full Version : Going away 2moro! arhh

24-11-06, 16:14
Help! I am so so nervous about this weekend! Just need abit of support to get me through it.. im going away with my boyfriend for the weekend, first time we've been away together, although he knows everything about my problems i am still so terrified! i have panic attacks, anxiety, emetaphobia and agraphobia and im nevous about not being able to get back home because usually if i go anywhere, im a short distance away from my house.
Iv got to go so theres no escaping, i just wish it could be an amazing weekend away but i just know my fears will get in the way. So scared, need support
Claire x

24-11-06, 16:26
Hi Claire
As you say these are fears and fears are made by negative thoughts, I know it is easy to say just take it a step at a time minute by minute don't try and look to far ahead, do the journey then think YES i did it and nothing terrible happened ( because it won't), then take the next step I'm sure your partner will encourage you all the way. You might not enjoy all of the weekend but I am sure that it will be a lot better than you expect and think how good you feel on Monday once you have done it.
Hope you have a lovely time


24-11-06, 16:35
Hi there...
This is a very positive step, just to agree to go and leave your safey zone is HUGE!
You're a very brave young lady and i'm sure your boyfriend will be supporting you every step of the way.
I have agoraphobia linked with emetophobia so i know exactly how you feel, (although i am too scared to do anything)...
Have a lovely time :)
SarahC x

24-11-06, 16:38
Hi Claire,I went through the exact same thing a few months back.I was travelling by car,and I made sure I kept busy while travelling.Read a paper or a book.Jane has given you some good advise.It is scarey,but its all negative thinking.You sound like you have a supportive partner.
Dont let the anxiety win pet.;)
Have a lovely time,take some compfort things with you from home.

Ellen XX

24-11-06, 17:55
Hi Claire,

Try to remember the thoughts that you have about Panic are only thoughts, keep telling yourself "they only thoughts and thougths CAN NOT hurt me"
Try to keep occupied on the journey there, reading or doing a crossword helps, when i am travelling i take my MP3 player with me and listen to my favorite music.
Have a lovely time and dont let the anxiety win ! will be thinking of you !



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

28-11-06, 11:21
Thanks 2 everyone who replied to my post. Just an update.. I did it, it was an amazing weekend, i had one panic attack during all the time i was there.. i did so many things that would usually bring on attacks such as, being away from home, eating out, being a passenger in someones car, staying the night away.. and only had one attack. its really strange because in the 24 hours i was back at home after the weekend, i had about 8-9 attacks, even at home and doing all that over the weekend i had one! very confusing. But thanks to all who replied.
Claire x

28-11-06, 17:35
Hi Claire,

Lovely to hear the weekend went so well for you, you did real well. A BIG WELL DONE TO YOU !

Because you where so busy on your trip away, its sounds like you where not focusing on the Panic, its like distraction, you mind was focusing on other things rather than the panic. Ive been in the same sittuation as you, been away no panic, then panic returns when arriving home. We have to learn to distract ourselves when at home so the anxiety dosnt raise its ugly head.

Im real pleased you had a great time.



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"