View Full Version : Panic about work

27-02-14, 13:18
Hi everyone,

I really need some help and support right now. I work for an international fast food company and have just been moved to open a brand new store with loads of new procedures and systems. At first I was excited as this is a huge opportunity for me.

I didn't expect it to be easy. Trying to start up a store with loads of new employees that need training. But it's a lot harder than I expected it to be. It's busy and stressful and because it's such a groundbreaking new store there's lots of pressure from hierarchy coming to visit, which freaks me out at the best of times.

However now I really panic about going in and running shifts. I keep telling myself that I know how to do my job and all I can do is my best but the pressure is getting to me big time and I'm losing sleep because I'm lying in bed panicking about the next day.

What I need to know is of anyone has got any tips on how to let go of all this panic. I need to be able to turn up. Stay calm at my job and then go home and not panic about how the shift went or about the next one.

Any advice would be much appreciated. I've tried being stern with myself but it's not working.

Thank you


27-02-14, 13:23
Try mindfulness meditation:)

27-02-14, 13:25
I feel your pain. Try not to look at the day as a whole, break it up in to moments, just focus on the getting there first and then let yourself take over automatically as things need doing. If you get too nervous or flustered, take a moment internally, breathe and then find your next task. Mindfulness is a great way to quiet the mind of its stressful chatter. Remember, you don't live in the past or future, you're living in the now, focus on the task right now. Good luck.

27-02-14, 13:28
Thanks guys. Is there anywhere on here that can give me a guide to mindfulness meditation. It's been mentioned before but I've never done it. Thank you for replying so quickly. I start work at found and it's awful as there panicking about it.


27-02-14, 13:34
Look on YouTube, Headspace, or Jon Kabat-Zinn

27-02-14, 17:35
Well done on getting this big opportunity - The company must think well of you and believe that you are capable of doing what is needed otherwise they wouldn't have given you the job - They have total confidence in your abilities!

You must tell your brain to shut up when it goes into overdrive, lying in bed not being able to sleep because you are worrying will only make you feel worse, and it's pointless as you can't affect anything from under the covers.

Can't you try to visualise positive outcomes instead? Try to remember any breathing techniques you have learnt and maybe use a herbal sedative from the chemist. Lavender oil on the pillow is meant to be relaxing as well.

Tell yourself that you can do it - that you will achieve your aims and that you will be successful in your endeavors. Be focused on what's important not on the things you have no control over. Good luck.