View Full Version : Delayed stress reaction?

27-02-14, 15:10
Hello everyone...

I don't really know why I'm writing this post. Fear probably! I have been very well for a long time; any hint of anxiety and depression has been manageable and I've felt positive. Recently, however, the anxiety seems to have been creeping back up on me. I take 60mg of Cymbalta daily, I am a university student and I live with my boyfriend of 3 years. I should be happy, but January was a stressful month for various reasons, exams, deadlines, serious money worries and family turmoil. Whilst all those things were going on I held it together, supported my partner and family and got through it.

I've recently received my exam and assignment results and they are brilliant. I should be pleased and content but I'm not. I feel all knotted up, jittery, dizzy, exhausted and spaced out. I do not want to be ill again! It's almost like a delayed reaction to the stress of the last 6 weeks! It seems as though I held it together when it was crucial and now I've lost it a bit. Is that an experience anyone can relate to? A delayed stress reaction?

On a side note, I have also recently stopped using the depo provera method of contraception. I've read some reports of that increasing anxiety levels. Does anyone have any experiences with that?

Any and all responses welcome. Thanks for reading x

27-02-14, 15:23
Have you ever been in a near miss auto accident? When it happens, you just react. It's afterwards that the adrenaline rush hits you and your heart is pounding and hands shaking. So yes, there can be a delayed reaction to stressful situations where your body has been jacked up by the tension/stress. Now you're coming down from that as well as what appears to be hormonal changes.

Positive thoughts

01-03-14, 12:28
Thank you for your reply! I've been doing some reading about coming off the depo provera contraceptive injection and many other women have experienced increased anxiety and feeling 'down' whilst the body readjusts and flushes out the synthetic hormones. Hopefully
I'll be back to normal soon. I'm really scared of being ill again but I'm trying to be reasonable and think positively! Thanks again x