View Full Version : Chronic candidiasis

27-02-14, 19:10

I have suffered with candida crisis for a least a year, (mostly in the genital/perianal area - i know, it's embarrassing) and went to a doctor.

He prescribed me Fluconazole, which i took. The infection disappeared at first, but since then i've had another episodes, like one each 4 months.

And now i've read an article concerning systemic candidiasis or candidemia and i'm really freaking out here thinking the returning yeast infection may be a signal that i might have this at some point.

Could you guys help me with that? Has anyone suffered with chronic candidiasis too?

(sorry for my bad english, i'm from brazil and, like i said, i'm in the middle of a panic attack).

27-02-14, 19:52
Your English is excellent! I'm so sorry you're panicking.

Systemic candidiasis is kind of a controversial concept--doctors aren't all convinced it exists, at least not the way some people say. But some people can be prone to recurring yeast infections, and I know one thing doctors will sometimes do is put them on maintenance Fluconazole rather than waiting for symptoms. Is that something your doctor has mentioned or you might want to ask about?

Also, if you're sexually active, you might be getting reinfected from a partner. But a lot of people are just prone to these all on their own. They're annoying, but they're not likely to be more than that.

27-02-14, 19:54
Hello :)
I went through a massive panic about this same issue many years ago so I know a fair bit about it. Whilst there is a lot of very scary literature out there about this condition, there is actually very little scientific evidence to suggest that it even exists, apart from in severely immune compromised people (like people who are dying of cancer etc). I really wouldn't get too Hung up on the idea that you have this, a lot of the stuff people write about it is very scaremongering and anxiety provoking.
Yeast infections can be tricky to treat. I had one a few years ago that kept recurring. In the end I saw an acupuncturist who prescribed me a supplement called Candiclear. I think it was by a company called Cytoplan. It cleared it up for me and it hasn't come back since.

27-02-14, 22:48
thanks, guys. i feel so much better just by reading this. :) i'll try to see me doctor again and get some reassurance. and now i think i must have overreacted when i read those articles... no more googling for me, i guess :D