View Full Version : Citalopram side effects?

27-02-14, 19:45
Had 2 weeks on 10mg ( though I was supposed to up to 20mg after 1 week) then 4 days on 15 mg then decided to bite the bullet and go for the 20mg. This is day 3 of 20mg and I don't feel too good. Teeth clenching, bit of nausea ( though that could be the acid stomach) but worse of all is this headache. Very stressed too and my eyesight seems off . Are these the dreaded side effects kicking in now I've upped the dose? I have some diazepam and wondering whether that would help. Felt I was making a bit of progress with my anxiety but this has really thrown me. I have severe HA so physical symptoms freak me out. This is my first time ever on ADs and I was terrified of taking them. Thanks.

28-02-14, 08:44
Hi Jilly, sorry you aren't feeling too good! I haven't increased but was put straight on 20. Id say yeah its side effects due to increase. They should tail off.
My eyesight was weird the first week and a half mostly...I think because my pupils were so dilated. My pupils aren't as bad now though. The jaw/teeth clenching is awful I feel your pain with that one!
I find the diazepam definitely helps subdue the side effects. I remember you saying your doctor is happy for you to continue them for a while so maybe take one today if the side effects are making you anxious!
I'm finding everyday different at the moment. I was really kind of hyper yesterday which I haven't experienced before...changed the kitchen around..cleaned but totally wore myself out and was asleep by 8pm.
Not sure how I feel yet today..dont feel like going out feeling introvert I think.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you...and diazepam will make today more manageable for you xx

28-02-14, 09:14
Thanks Gemlou. Can't wait to feel normal again. Tuesday, the first day I increased the dose, I felt good. Relaxed, even went to some ornamental gardens AND into the cafe! Since then I've felt yuk. Anyway, off to see my daughter and her new baby today so hopefully that will distract me. It was her pregnancy that really pushed me over the edge with anxiety as last time she ended up on life support, not expected to make it. I think she was so brave to even go through it again. Thankfully, this time, all was well and she produced a 10lb 7oz boy! It will be a busy day with my little granddaughter who is 2 and wishing baby was still in mummy's tummy! As everyone says, it's a rocky road initially on cit, so hopefully we'll feel the benefits soon. Take care and try and enjoy your day x

28-02-14, 09:16
I agree with Gemlou....its side effects... take the diazepam:D

28-02-14, 09:30
I can understand why that would increase your anxiety..wonderful that your daughter and grandson are safe and well. Have a lovely day with your family :-D lots of cuddles are bound to improve how you feel somewhat! X

01-03-14, 15:01
I can understand why that would increase your anxiety..wonderful that your daughter and grandson are safe and well. Have a lovely day with your family :-D lots of cuddles are bound to improve how you feel somewhat! X

Yes indeed, cuddles over meds any day of the week! :)

01-03-14, 15:33
Woke up early with hideous anxiety, worse than before. Had to take a diazepam immediately, which seemed to do nothing. Been feeling incredibly shaky all day. Just been to talk to the pharmacist and he has advised me to go back to 15 mg for a bit longer. Been feeling nauseous all day but this might be the adrenaline making my stomach produce too much acid. I am also on esomeprazole. Just when will I feel better?! I hate this HA soooooo much! Thanks everyone for replying. It's great to have such support. X

01-03-14, 15:48
Hey Jilly, what I would say is that 2 weeks is very early in.

It took me 2 months to feel anywhere near better and I still had my triggers popping up just when I thought all was good.

10mg/15mg is a relatively low dose - but if you are new to Cit, it will take your body a while to get used to it and as I said early days - it will get better :)

I had some hideous early days on Cit, looking back (and although I still have some way to go) it was awful...but it got better.

It's also not just about the meds. Do plenty of reading and asking questions and getting support on here and keep going on this roller coaster of a ride. It is damn hard but you need to believe that it WILL get better.

Take care out there, Jilly

Marty :)

---------- Post added at 15:46 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------

I still get a touch of nausea too...but that said the last 3-4 days have been much better (now week 11) :)

---------- Post added at 15:48 ---------- Previous post was at 15:46 ----------

And I got my sex drive back too! Yay!!!

Lots of articles on here about the (initial?) side effects - they do seem to catch us all out but as I mentioned before, it seems to be about the longer game.

01-03-14, 17:56
Hello newbie here..im 5 days im on cit 20mg feeling a little anxious today with a fuzzy head is this normal? So glad I found this forum dont feel so alone now:)

01-03-14, 20:33
Hello newbie here..im 5 days im on cit 20mg feeling a little anxious today with a fuzzy head is this normal? So glad I found this forum dont feel so alone now:)

Oh yes. Totally, the fuzzy head...remember that well. We're all different but I felt fuzzy for quite a while.

And yes, the anxiety seems to get worse before it gets better too. Nice to meet you JMD :)

02-03-14, 08:45
Thanks marty 67 I suppose my body is just getting used to the meds,on a positive note my sleep as improved so much:yesyes:

02-03-14, 14:11
Thanks marty 67 I suppose my body is just getting used to the meds,on a positive note my sleep as improved so much:yesyes:

Hey JMD :)

Note for Jilly - probably my worst SE aside from nausea was my sleeping :(

Sleeping is now much much much improved :)

Another one was my libido...can now report this is back to normal now too!!! Yay :yahoo: