View Full Version : Asperger's and anxiety

24-11-06, 21:09
Long time since I posted. Seem's very likely I have asperger's sydrome (high functioning autism), it was my anxiety that led me there (ie what I was scared off, long story). Thing is I have had a hell of a time with doctor's and meds. Now off all medication, except for some sleeping tablets as a short term measure. Had to come off citalopram cold turkey due to side affects that were causing hyper mania, was on the verge of severe mania, refused the antipychotics they gave me. Got one last cause of anxiety to tackle, doctors and health professional's (been so trusting and so not trusting). Seeing the consultant on monday. My biggest impairment is imagination, in lay man's term's that mean's a difficulty in seeing the outcomes of things (need other people to reasure me it will work out ok), if I can't talk about my worries I become more anxious, I get panic attacks, its a visious circle. If I find out who I am I will be able to see the outcome of my life, will get appropraite help and bingo hopefully a way to deal with my worries. May not never be without anxiety, but I have dealth with all my trigger's, faced my fears and lived to tell the tail until medical professional's made a catalogue of errors that almost led to me being sectioned and prescibed medication that could have been potentially dangerous for me. Nice and their here to help us? Seeing my CPN's tomorrow to discuss my worries and help me with current anxieties. Not to mention the higtened senses mostly hearing that is making me edgy, anxious and panicy. Right now my housemates is making loads of noise with her family and friends, its driving me nuts.