View Full Version : hope some can help

27-02-14, 21:52
about a year and a half ago out of the blue I felt dizzy and then like a panic and then right after that I went into like a deep fog and like my brain shut of went right to doctor they said you had a panic attack and gave me Xanax 0.25 mg to take once a day. I told them I feel fine I just feel so out of it I cant really explain they said its anxiety. the first 4 months I was still working hoping the fog would get better well then my sleeping was getting bad I was able to go right to sleep but would have vivid dreams all night then when I would wake I felt like I was still in a dream state for about 2 hours.know sometimes I feel like im living in the past but like my younger years this is starting to really scare me for the last 5 months I have been out of work because I feel so out of it and body tingles I think im losing my mind.i have tried so many antidepressants I cant get by like 3 days on them they make me feel more out of it and like its altering my mind. Im starting to lose hope I cant believe this is anxiety I have a great live and family but cant enjoy it anymore. I have tried cbt therapy and has not helped. I have all blood work done and every test you can think of everything ok but im not ok. I just cant get anyone to listen I have been to 3 new doctors they say you don't act like someone that has anxiety know im more scared then every hope someone here can help

27-02-14, 21:56
Hey, if you read a lot of my posts, a lot of them have been from me freaking out about why I feel like this when I don't feel like I'm worrying about anything. I get the feelings that everything just isn't right, it just doesn't feel normal anymore. I feel really detached from everything, and don't feel like me anymore. Nothing I can think of really triggered this, soo I have and still do spend a lot of time thinking this isn't anxiety. However, when looking up and being told about depersonalization and derealization I think it easily is. For me I've realised anxiety disorder doesn't have to be physical symptoms like fast heart rate and panic attacks all the time, or about worrying about anything in particular. x

Also- counselling has helped me a lot. I went through two counsellors before who didn't help at all. The one I'm with now though, really has. It's all about trial and error I guess.

27-02-14, 22:00
that's nice to hear someone else feels like this. I just don't have the mind racing or the other stuff people talk about that's what scares me so much will this every get better without medication

27-02-14, 22:03
I'm not on any medication, I think I am going to start soon. However, I have seen big improvements without. Last year was awful for me, and after a few weeks of counselling, just over a month, I felt so much better in myself. I began to have days where this horrible detached feeling didn't happen, and that was a massive improvement for me!

I don't have the mind racing either, the best way I can describe it is my mind is blank really. Its a really horrible feeling!

27-02-14, 22:11
that's just how I feel with my mind is blank and that happen the first day I have had this happen like 3 times in the last year its like my mind would start working felt back to normal but only lasted like about 5 hours I told my doctors about it and told them they said that's a good sign that you will come out of this someday . I said there has to be something wrong with my brain but cat scan came back fine im driving myself nuts

27-02-14, 22:16
I'm always convincing myself I have brain problems, mind problems, even started convincing myself I had something that has never existed before. Realistically its all bull.
When I'm distracted, really distracted, I don't feel like this (I don't think). Problem is when I start to feel okay, I question why I do and why I haven't normally. That in itself is enough anxiety to start it all over again.
Counsellors talked to me about how stress and anxiety cause adrenaline which interacts with the mind to create this feeling. Constantly monitoring why you feel so weird creates inward thinking creating depersonalization and derealization (look them up if you haven't! Finding them really did help me!).

I think even if I don't think I'm worrying I am. I worry about why I feel like I do.

27-02-14, 22:35
I know some days I can feel the adrenaline but goes away doesn't seem to help with me if I get working on something im always checking how im feeling and I don't mean to. mornings are the worst I feel so out of it and im not thinking of anything. the feeling would go away and I would feel better as the day goes on but not anymore the last 4 months have been real bad I have been on clonazepam for about 4 months I don't know if that's making me worse I really don't have much faith in doctors anymore. the sad thing is this same thing happened to me 25 years ago don't remember what they put me on and the records are long gone but I was back to work after three months and came off the medication after a year and never had a problem intill a year and a half ago that's whats driving me nuts and cant remember what I was treated for because back then it wasn't talk about that much I wish I keeps my records