View Full Version : Self harm scars

24-11-06, 23:36
I self harm on and off, the last time really was quite bad and I probably should have gone to have stitches but didn't, so the marks now are very wide, scar tissue.

They have been completely healed for about 9 weeks now, but are incessantly itchy, and at times it drives me mad, because if I'm with people I can't be incessantly scratching my arms. At first I thought that it was just because they were healing, but now it's been so long I don't know...could it just be psychological?

Any ideas?

25-11-06, 21:13
once mine are healed i put vaseline on them it tends to stop the itching


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

25-11-06, 22:14
Thanks netty, that would make sense