View Full Version : Weak/fatigued/seeing things

27-02-14, 22:18
So, even after I eat something (if you referenced my earlier post, you'll know that's an ongoing struggle for me right now), I still feel like I haven't eaten anything at all. I get weak and fatigued either right after consumption OR a half hour or so later. It's like I burn through the energy I just put into my body at an alarming rate. Here's the kicker - I'm either sitting down or laying down. I'm not doing anything strenuous that'd involve me exerting any significant amount of effort. Nothing that'd make me break a sweat, basically.

I can feel it mainly in my arms and legs. They feel either heavy or weakened/floppy..if that makes any sense. This is only sometimes, but I can be overwhelmed with a case of the shakes, too. I also get lightheaded and it's a bit difficult to think straight/clearly.

On a side note, I've been seeing things out of the corner of my eye that aren't actually there. I see floaters pretty frequently, but most of the time, what I "see" can't be contributed to floaters. I see "figures," flashing lights, squiggly lines, polka dots, and black spots. They either zoom by my field of vision or I catch them in my peripherals. But, whenever I go to completely concentrate and focus on them, they vanish - leaving me questioning myself and whether or not I actually seen what I thought I just did. I guess it's not so scary as much as confusing and aggravating. I strongly dislike doubting myself and this is making me do exactly that on a daily basis.

Any similar experiences, guys? Anyone else going through this or have you at least gone through identical circumstances in the past? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

I hate having to turn to sources such as this one as I'm usually a very analytic and self-sustaining/assuring individual...

27-02-14, 22:26
All seems very familiar to me.

I became so fatigued at times that it felt like my body was just going to fall asleep right there and then and there was nothing I could do about it.

I've had a gazillion eye floaters/images/peripheral movement experiences as well.

It's just another one of those things you have to ignore and accept.

27-02-14, 22:28
I think what you're describing is called the blue field entoptic phenomenon, it's generally nothing to worry about, I looked it up earlier because it was bugging me, it's fairly common in people with anxiety as we look for the smallest changes in our environment. It's basically cells that catch the light and reflect it briefly.

27-02-14, 23:00
Just being anxious is totally draining when it's high all the time - adrenaline uses up all your fuel at the snap of a fingers. I often found I was hungry all the time (on the occasions I had an appetite). Just keep eating to replace it.
Show your anxiety everything is ok, remember the state you are in can't hurt you, just let it happen and it will go if you let it. Little things like smiling and sitting back in your seat make all the difference.

27-02-14, 23:19
Thank you for the replies, everyone. I truly do appreciate 'em.

At least I have the peace of Mind now that I'm not alone in experiencing these bizarre symptoms. I had a feeling they were all connected to my GAD, but I guess I was just seeking reassurance...again, thanks for giving it to me!

I hope you all are doing well in your own day-to-day struggles...

28-02-14, 02:33
I'm gonna go on a limb here and say there's a good chance you have a thyroid gland problem. It's probably working too hard (hyperthyroidism), like mine, because I have the exact same symptoms. I got "diagnosed" a few days ago and I've been told the treatment is relatively simple.

Go to your doctor and describe these symptoms and ask for a blood test so you get your hormone levels checked.

28-02-14, 03:24
A blood test was administered at the ER three weeks ago when I went for some seriously swollen throat/neck glands (that I still have, by the way) and it all came back clean. Everything checked out fine except for my potassium levels. They were a bit low. They simply suggested I drink more orange juice and eat more bananas. That's it, though.

If there was anything off about my thyroid, wouldn't they have caught it when they drew blood from me that time?

28-02-14, 03:43
If you mentioned your weakness and talked about losing weight, yes, they probably checked your thyroid levels. If you have an ER bill with a breakdown of what they did, it would probably show up as a TSH test or a T4 test.

Luna, I've never heard of that phenomenon--that's really interesting! You find cool stuff :).

09-03-14, 08:44
I've just come across this as it sounds very familiar to how I feel right now. I had thyroid checked not too long ago and was fine. All my bloods have been fine.
On the eye note I quite often get black dots in my vision and like you say when you try to concentrate in them or blink they disappear. Eyes tests normal.