View Full Version : Citalopram for 21 days, now heart feels weird!

28-02-14, 09:36

I have been on Citalopram 10mg for 21 days now, but I wondered if anyone has experienced what I have been going through the last 5 days.
In the morning my heart feels fluttery as if I need to take deep breaths to calm me, like an anxious feeling, it is not palpatations, very hard to describe but its like when you are nervous and affects your heart as it feels heavy.

I just wondered if this was normal, I did have symptoms at the beginning of taking them but then they went away, but now this.

Also my sleep has not improved at all, should I give this more time?

Thanks for any advice, it is very much appreciated.

28-02-14, 09:40
Yes that is quite a common sensation..... keep going things will improve.

28-02-14, 09:42
Thank you for reassuring me, I was a bit worried as all symptoms had gone and I was feeling ok, but then this sensation started which I thought odd that it would start again.