View Full Version : Please could someone help me rationalise? Right sided rib/back pain triggering me.

28-02-14, 14:07
have had this pain for months now - since October, it comes and goes, mostly uncomfortable but recently painful. It is hardly ever there when I wake up and I don't feel it if I wake in the night. It is worse when I lie down or sit slumped. I feel it below and under my ribs on my right side only. It feel like something is pushing it out - Often felt 4th rib up around my bra line, side, back or front. It aches today. I have been to see my GP, she says, stress possibly or reflux or maybe muscular, (I do twist and lift my daughter, who is 12) it goes away when I walk around for a while. I have had an Ultrasound scan (while I had the pain) all normal, no gallstones, normal gall bladder, liver, pancreas, kidneys etc and a chest xray and blood tests, all clear.

My problem is I cannot accept this symptom as anxiety. I don't know what this is and it gnaws at my mind. I accepted all the others but this one I can't get my head round. It feels 'different'. Burny and hot now, but it changes. :( I am trying myself up in knots about it.

I have IBS (so the GP says) and I also get pain on the lower left abdomen region by & below my hip, which I am being scanned again for. I keep thinking the right side is referred pain from the left side and I have something very wrong. (you know what I mean) I also had bloody mucus and a thin stool today (I may have made myself bleed from giving myself an internal examination(I do have piles too) The blood was after the 'examination' so maybe it mixed with the mucus (sorry TMI). I feel the right course of action is to wait and if it continues to see my GP again, and if it stops, No more pokey examinations. This seems sensible as I only bled today following that rather than prior too. I have had gastritis (diagnosed Tuesday) and have been taking ranitidine and Gaviscon. My poops look like raisins, really hard and wrinkly and (sorry TMI again) and I know I am freaking out about this. I am having CBT and I know to break the cycle I have to stop asking for reassurance and I have been given relaxation exercises and thought diaries but these rate time and I am in a state. :( Could someone rationalise with me? Please?

Claire X

---------- Post added at 14:07 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ----------


28-02-14, 14:15
Hi mine is top right abdominal pain like you i have had all the tests someday i can feel it more than others its been put down to IBS or acid reflux or even a pulled muscle between that rib as it is just on the rib i sit bad poor posture and strain as i get IBS constipation if you get that your abdominal gets under a lot of stress straining takes a very long time to heal as you constantly strain.

And if your not picking up your daughter with a straight back bending the knees you will get strain there as well try keep back straight.

28-02-14, 14:21
Thanks. :) I just re read some of my old posts and I apparently had this pain in 2006 but I'd forgotten. :/ And how is this for weird, I'm even questioning the the chest xray I had which I was told was clear - even though I saw it myself. The A&E doc showed it to me to alleviate my worries. Seeing isn't believing in my case. :(