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28-02-14, 16:42
Hi everyone :)
I've been putting lots of effort in this past week, and I am 7 weeks doctor free this week. I know its silly but I'm very proud of that as I used to be there 3/4 times a week!

Ive found a little peace this week and hope I'm moving forward. However I have a niggly stomach discomfort in my upper right stomach that is driving me mad.

A moment of madness I consulted Google and it was all bad. Heart or possibly lungs. I feel my breathing has been funny recently like I need to cough to breathe. So now blood clots in the lung cross my mind.

I know I shouldn't be asking for reassaurance. But as I can't see a doctor I will be worrying all weekend over this. Its not serious pain its intermittent discomfort in my upper right abdomen. It's definitely worrying me, especially with my chest and breathing.

I feel v.panicky but I don't want to undo my hard work. Any help would be appreciated x

28-02-14, 16:44
Do you feel it every few mins or 1hr or so like a aching discomfort short pain then goes?

28-02-14, 16:48
I have a similar thing, Upper right, below ribs (and underneath as in *inside* ribs on right hand side) I also feel it in my back and side. My GP says trapped wind or muscular pain. (I am burping a bit more.)

28-02-14, 16:52
Yes its definitely near my ribs and so very annoying, thank you!

Yep dexter its every few minutes or so, short ache then goes then comes back and then goes. X

28-02-14, 16:56
Yes its definitely near my ribs and so very annoying, thank you!

Yep dexter its every few minutes or so, short ache then goes then comes back and then goes. X

I have had this for 2 years and anxiety has made it and my stomach worse
i have been told its acid put on anti acid tablets it can all so cause muscle pain in that area especially if you strain to much going to the toilet like i do.
Just go see your doctor next week to make you 100% relief but sounds the same and seems to be very common the more i read the forums.
Doctor might prescribe you something to settle it :)

I had 2 ultra sounds as well clear.....

28-02-14, 17:02
We should form an upper right abdominal pain support group. ;)

28-02-14, 17:08
We should form an upper right abdominal pain support group. ;)
:roflmao: Good idea....

28-02-14, 17:26
I'm in! X

28-02-14, 18:02
Ha ha. Yes! What shall we call ourselves? The Right upper quadrant (also incorporating side and back) discomfort (associated with acid indigestion or muscular) support group? That has a nice ring to it? ;p

28-02-14, 18:06
Count me in too, I have this all the while and also in right side, seems to be worse if I have been lying on my stomach or right side when in bed.

28-02-14, 18:15
Mine is definitely worse lying down, so what do I do? Lie down and rest all day fretting about it. :/
I really hate it when it gets into my back but my GP completely unconcerned by it!

28-02-14, 18:23
Yeh I'm the same, sometimes it feels like I'm squashing something inside, then aches after, I also think pain is worse after eating to much. I'm fed up and exhausted worrying about it all the time : ( x

28-02-14, 19:12
Me too. All the tests I've had, worrying myself silly. It just *won't* go. It varies from an 'awareness' in my side, to an uncomfortable 'balloon under the right front rib' feeling to an intermittent painful knuckling/boring sensation in my back ribs, & shoulder blade. I do hold my side a lot, do you? I wonder if I haven't made it worse by poking sometimes. And alcohol definitely seems to worsen it. X I am giving up drinking for a couple of months to see if that helps me. X

28-02-14, 19:46
Wow thankyou all you lovely people! I am feeling so much better, I didnt realise how common this was.

I know ultimately seeking reassurance is bad but I really needed it this time. I googled for a minute then turned it straight off knowing is scare myself. Bit late but thankfully I didnt delve further than the heart attack and lung issues/cancers it brought up!

There was no mention if anything non dangerous so I'm glad other people suffer this too.

I feel like it is getting worse. I would not class it is severe pain at all. Not hugely painful but I know its there. My chest is also hurting me and I've just had enough.

I'm joining the club!x

28-02-14, 19:53
Think we need to think of a catchier name for the group! X

28-02-14, 20:02
I have too! Infact I was at gp today getting her to prod the area looking for lumps!! She said there is nothing apart from my floating ribs and tissue!

I also have the acid problem and gastritis

28-02-14, 20:03
The Windipops :D.

28-02-14, 20:06

01-03-14, 09:53
Windipops is a great name! Ha ha!

01-03-14, 14:17
Funnily enough now my brain aneurysm is back my stomach hasn't hurt since this morning! Funny that isn't it. I agree with the name though :-)

01-03-14, 15:39
Claireypoo yes I'm always holding my side too, I've just eaten my dinner an that familiar ache is back, drives me mad : ( x

01-03-14, 18:41
Is there any chance you have acidy indigestion? I tried antacids for mine and nothing worked so I thought no, but I have been taking ranitidine for gastritis and I noticed that the right sided pain/discomfort is definitely less. Might be worth a try. You can buy ranitidine in supermarkets, so easy to test it out. X

02-03-14, 09:34
Thanks I will definitely give it ago x

05-03-14, 20:08
It's funny reading this thread. A day before my finals at uni I had this so bad that I ended up in hospital and doctors wanted to take my gallbladder out. This was before I was even aware of anxiety.

Recently since I've been having real anxiety problems this is a symptom that returned with a vengeance. Interestingly, as soon as I saw this thread and saw how familiar it was, it disappeared!

27-10-16, 22:52
Omg I have this same thing too...

28-10-16, 03:51
Is there any chance you have acidy indigestion? I tried antacids for mine and nothing worked so I thought no, but I have been taking ranitidine for gastritis and I noticed that the right sided pain/discomfort is definitely less. X

Clairepoo, you symptoms sound textbook gallbladder stones, right down to the burping.

28-10-16, 12:22
My other half is going through something similar atm.
2 weeks ago he was woken from sleep with a severe pain in his upper torse. Nothing he could do relieived the pain and eventually after about 3/4 hours he managed to go back to sleep.
Last weekend we ended up in A&E due to severe chest pains, which all tests turned out fine for - apart from a blood test which showed inflammation/infection. He was prescribed Amoxicillian and has now finished the course, but the pain in the right side is still there, he can't sleep on that side at all. The doctors think he has GERD and he's taking Omeprezole which is helping the reflux, but the doctor told him this morning that GERD wouldn't cause the pain in his side.
He is having night sweats, constant knawing pain in under his right rib, burping almost every few minutes and just feeling generally crap!
He see's a Gastro on Tuesday - would they be able to check for Gallstones? I feel like it's obvious, yet they aren't checking him for it!?

Sorry for the long post! Thanks for reading - just so worried about him x

03-07-19, 00:19
I have the same thing. Dull balloon feeling in upper right abdomen- not there all the time pain in the back of rins sometimes. Has anyone found out what's causing it, or is it just anxiety?