View Full Version : Panic is back! Creeping feeling, jittery and nausea.

28-02-14, 18:41
Hi everyone
I joined this site probably 10 years ago or more but haven't posted in a long time. My daily symptoms subsided for a long time and only got occasional bad days but I'm finding they're becoming more frequent lately.
I have pain and problems with ibs aside from anxiety which had been a problem this week, but today my panic symptoms reared their head and it's not shifted all day!
Nausea, wobbly stomach, a creeping over my scalp and hot jittery feeling all over every now and again, and I feel tired and tearful! I know it's just anxiety but I can't shake it off. Usually it comes and passes. Worried I'm starting to fall down a slippery slope to when that happened daily!
Thought some support and encouraging word would be kind.

28-02-14, 18:46
Well I try to be kind to people with anxiety symptoms like yours as I feel the same as you at times....... that is the point tho'... this will pass as it has done for you "in the past". Try to think positively.... you can do it. The fact that you say it comes and goes is a good sign. Is something bothering you particularly at the moment? Have there been any triggers to this latest episode?


28-02-14, 19:24
I agree with Sarah, you have overcome this before so can do it again. Take time out to rest and give yoursf time to recover. Don't dwell on the negatives and remind yourself of every positive.