View Full Version : One year anniversary

28-02-14, 20:32
Looking at my calendar and the big red X on it last year means today is the one year anniversary of my start with this horrible affliction health anxiety.

As many of you know 2013 was a horrible year for me

January lost my grandmother to an aneurysm
May lost my father in law to cancer
June mother in law diagnosed with cancer (cancer free now)
September lost my "second mom" to a heart embloysm in her sleep

I have made strides in this year and have beaten so many of my fears with the help of my sword and the people on this site most notably fishmanpa. But today is bittersweet as I type this I am still obsessed with my heart and still think daily that it will suddenly stop or I will have a heart attack at any minute so I am happy as well as enormously disappointed in myself that I haven't slated the dragon hopefully next year if I'm still alive I will have a better story to tell.

Thanks for making the last year more bearable

28-02-14, 20:34

28-02-14, 20:43
This is a great place for support. Hugs

01-03-14, 05:13
Just remember, you've taken all of those huge strides from where you were :) You may be obsessing with your heart, but you're no longer obsessing over the rest, and that in itself is a pretty big deal :yahoo:

01-03-14, 11:18
You've done incredibly well Scrum! One only need look back at your posts to see the progress you've made.

The heart is your pet niggle so to speak. That's one heck of a Dragon you're fighting but he can be tamed. The effects of losing so many loved ones in a short period of time would affect the best of us in a negative way. You've overcome a lot and done so in a positive way. Keep those victories in the front of your mind as that's a suit of armor in your continuing battle with the Dragon. You wield a menacing sword and I believe you've drawn blood from the Dragon. He's aware of your power and is now trying to breach your armor at it's weakest point. A little extra reinforcement on your breast plate along with some determination and rationality and you got this beast beat.

With many here battling the Dragon for many years, some most of their lives, you're at a distinct advantage. I look forward to the day you're here training future Dragon Slayers.

Positive thoughts