View Full Version : fear of myself/loved one dying in a car accident.

28-02-14, 20:57
Hi everyone.

I'm not sure if I've put this in the right place, I:m usually on the health anxiety board but I'm not too sure this. Constitutes as health anxiety.

I am totally and utterly paranoid about car accidents. I a. Sick of reading the news and seeing death after death on the road. Someone just told me it's the leading death of young people.

Its just been made worse by my friend passing his driving test. I'm thrilled for him however he has made very dangerous mistakes in previous tests and lessons which needed the instructor and examiner to slam the breaks on.

I do not feel he is a safe driver, although he means a lot yo me as a friend. He is now picking my boyfriend up from his uni course on a Monday and Tuesday. I am an utter mess just thinking about it. I don't trust him one bit and I'm terrified something will happen to him.

I'm sweating with worry just thinking about it, I know I will feel sick with worry whilst he's in the car. I can't live my life lime this, but at the same time I can't trust him to drive safely. I am so worried every time someone gets in a car I know its irrational. I have begged him to get the bus but he believes my friend is safe. I on the other hand don't. I'm so nervous, has anyone been through anything similar? X