View Full Version : Chest pain?

01-03-14, 01:23
I've got a bit of pain around my breast bone and my left arm, which is made worse when i breathe in deeply.
Worried it's something serious :-/

01-03-14, 04:55
A number of things can cause that kind of chest pain, so there's not very much advice other users can provide you with at this stage. It may be that the muscle lining in your chest is inflamed (this is known to be very painful), it may simply be that you've overstretched or been too tense recently and are suffering some muscle soreness. There is no substitute for medical advice, unfortunately, and the only person who will be able to tell you what is definitely causing that pain is a doctor. Check in with your GP when you can and try to describe the pain to them. Often the type of pain can indicate the kind of problem (e.g. Sharp stabbing pain is generally muscular). Let us know how you go :)