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View Full Version : Anyone else in their 20s terrified about growing up and changes?

01-03-14, 10:50
I am having a real issue with this currently.
I'm 25 in June and lots of people I used to go to school with etc are having kids, getting married etc.
It really panics me because I know time is passing and every year it seems quicker, however life doesn't slow down just because you want it to.
I feel trapped within certain expectations and commitments that society thinks we should all make.
I want to be happy in my life (as much as possible) but at the moment I don't know what would definitely make me happy.

It's at this age that we make all the decisions that will normally affect the rest of our lives...this is what really does terrify me.

Life is too short but I don't want to make the wrong choices and live in regret.
I still feel like I'm 18 years old and want to re capture my youth in someway...no responsibilities and not as much pressure.

A Beatrix Potter quote which I love:

The place is changed now, and many familiar faces are gone, but the greatest change is myself. I was a child then, I had no idea what the world would be like. I wished to trust myself on the waters and the sea. Everything was romantic in my imagination.

01-03-14, 10:57
I'm 42 and still worry about growing up.

01-03-14, 11:12
If I can read between the lines, you are feeling social pressure that you should now be settling down with a partner and having children, but this doesn't match your current lifestyle.

As for feeling like you're 18, I imagine everyone carries this person around with them, even crippled old ninety-five year-olds (at least, I hope I will if I reach that age).

01-03-14, 13:35
Growing older is certain, growing up optional.

I still feel similar to you at 36, married with two kids.

The quote I like goes something like

This life is my story and in it I am the hero.

It would be dull if every story was the same

01-03-14, 14:24
I got news for you... you'll be making life changing decisions for the rest of your life.

Positive thoughts

01-03-14, 14:33
Fishmanpa.....you are so right!..... I'm 49 and still making decisions......... and so wish I was 24 again:)

01-03-14, 16:33
I know where you're coming from. I'm 24 and with no degree or 'grown up' job I feel like I am lagging behind everybody else. If there is something that you want then go for it, if society wants you to do it but you don't then stick your two fingers at them. Do what makes you feel happy, not other people. That mistake is costly on your self esteem.

01-03-14, 18:48
Quit looking at the future; Redeem the time at hand.:)
And worrying about the future or tomorrow will sap you of the strength you need today.(read that somewhere and I think its true).You can make good decisions now and you sound smart enough to do so.All the best.

02-03-14, 08:51
Easier said than done but..... relax and enjoy your life. yes you will inevitably get older but that's nothing to be scared of. Don't let society tell you what you should and shouldn't do and especially don't let it map out your life for you (e.g kids, marriage, buying a house ect ect), these are choices you make for yourself when you want to do them.

If you think about what an amazing world we live in and all the wonderful places to see and things to do, there are just endless possibilities.

I'm 32 btw and spent all of my late 20's worrying about getting old, looking old, not being attractive anymore, not having any assets .... I don't anymore and I've never been happier (and I have a hot 23 year old bf!) x

02-03-14, 13:23
I try not to think about it :D I like to think everything happens somehow whether I think about it or not.

02-03-14, 19:10
Oh I could of written that myself! This is exactly how I feel, the pressure is horrible and I feel suffocated at times, not knowing what to do in life and the anxiety that I'm not in the same place as my peers. It's really tough. I'm 21 next month and still not doing anything with my life because of the anxiety, many people my age though are working, at uni, getting engaged or having babies. That all makes me feel terrified!

03-03-14, 02:35
I know how you feel :) Im a 21 year old male and cant cope with change whatsoever. I suffer from GAD, depression and OCD :weep:. I am terrified about what the future holds for me. After having therapy and been on medication, last year I had my first job interview for over a year and I got the job but couldn't cope with the huge change. I had to wait a week before I started which didn't help as my anxiety was severe and I was having thoughts of suicide too. I turned down the job and Im receiving help again and on a different medication which is really helping me :) Im trying to get better but if I am still like this in 10-20 years I just don't think there would be any point me living my life anymore. Ive been unemployed for 3 years and I just don't do much apart from walking my dog. I also have very little social interaction and have very few friends.

03-03-14, 11:07
Hi, I'm 25.
I'm just worried I'll be unhappy all my life and not get things like a news job. Growing up is hard, we spend all those years in school and want to leave and live, but when we live life is a slap in the face.