View Full Version : DP/DR causing delayed perception?

01-03-14, 11:03
I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced this.

I've had DP/DR before, but after a recent illness (chest/lung infection) that has taken several weeks to slowly recover from my DP/DR has come back.

This never used to bother me that much although it was always unpleasant.

This time it seems a little more invasive though. It seems that every time I turn my head to look at something it takes my brain a second or so to properly perceive what it is I'm looking at. Another example is that I'll get into the car and have to think for a second or two what comes next. That may not seem like a long time, but when 'put the key in the ignition' is usually an automatic response, a second or two feels like a worrying amount of time.

There's a severe head tightness that goes along with it too, and it feels like my eyeballs are constantly being pulled from behind.

I think some of it is that I was forced to lay down for almost a month so my muscle tension is probably bad right now.

01-03-14, 12:59
I think you probably answered your own question there Joe, you've probably not been doing much recently as you have been recovering from the infection so things may take a little getting use too again. I experienced this when my anxiety was at it's worst, I attributed it to always thinking rather than registering my environment, it's gone now though :)

Maybe you could try releasing that tension as well? I'm sure that would. help a lot.

01-03-14, 22:07
You may well be right.

I think I've been used to being on top of all my symptoms for a year or so (using meditation and mindfulness) and the illness pushed me into a place I couldn't keep on top of.

On top of that I had a nasty reaction to some antibiotics (one of the side effects is psychosis which I had a nasty little taste of) so that's probably fresh in my mind still.

We do tend to hype the new stuff don't we! :)