View Full Version : I just asked my partner to photograph his poo

01-03-14, 12:01
He looked appalled. :(

This is getting ridiculous. I know it is. Today my poo is orangey yellow. GP says I have gastritis, I am taking ranitidine, I thought it was from drinking too much wine on Saturday but now my partner has similar symptoms to me, he says 'it's just a bug' (viral gastritis?) and made the rookie mistake of saying his poo was a bit yellowy when I asked him. HE TOLD ME HIS POO WAS YELLOW. WHY DON'T I BELIEVE HIM? WHY PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF?

I am such a ***t.


01-03-14, 14:16
I did the same with my husband a few months back only i asked him not to flush!!!!! He looked at me disgusted. But after me getting hysterical he did it.

I've also asked him in the past to pee in a disposable cup!!!!

I had an upset stomach last week and yellow stool.

01-03-14, 14:46
Best poo thread in a while! :D Just don't start a photo album and leave it on the coffee table!

"Ohhh a photo album... pics of your kids?.... Ewwwww... what is this??!!"....

Positive thoughts

Had to add: Didn't you mean to say "Today my 'clairey'poo is orangey yellow." ? ;)

01-03-14, 14:48
Best poo thread in a while! :D Just don't start a photo album and leave it on the coffee table!

"Ohhh a photo album... pics of your kids?.... Ewwwww... what is this??!!"....

Positive thoughts


01-03-14, 17:53
A poo thread. I am interested in poo a lot since 2012 with the fear of me having bowel cancer, with a number of scans and checks showed nothing serious. I have even noticed down how often I go to the loo, a great length looking down in the bowl scaring what can I see.

I have not gone to the lengths of wanting photographic my poop or wanting other people to take photos of their poop. I have also asked my mum to look in the bowl back in 2012 and 2013 for me at my poop because I was scared.

Trust your GP.

01-03-14, 17:56
Made me smile Claire, sort of thing I would do! :D

01-03-14, 18:14
Thanks guys. :D You make me feel normal!!! :) :)

My partner is a really well spoken London Gentleman. He has been giving me disgusted looks all afternoon.

Yellow poo scared me! And I have had gastroenteritis previously (short and violent) but never gastritis before, and it is really lingering on with back pain, burning, and abdominal discomfort. I'm wondering why I still have it and if I have an ulcer as it gets better with food but starts to hurt a few hours after eating. I'm taking ranitidine but it still feels like something digging in my back and right side. :(

01-03-14, 20:32
I don't know about adults, but I used to worry about my children's poo color and consistency all the time, until the pediatrician told me that the only colors to worry about are red, black, or white. All else- brown (all shades), yellow, orange, and green- are considered normal and harmless varients. The color is related to what foods were eaten, and the poo's transit time through the intestines.

I personally do not look at my own poo, and haven't for years. Too scared of seeing blood or something else that might cause me alarm. My anxiety disorder is that bad.
I also don't look at my pee, or at the paper after I wipe. I am scared I'd start obsessing about the color of my urine and whether my kidneys were failing, and after several episodes of abnormal vaginal bleeding due to benign uterine polyps, I'm also scared of seeing vaginal blood or spotting at the wrong time of the month. I pretty much use the bathroom with my eyes closed these days!

01-03-14, 20:47
That must be a nightmare! X Thanks for your reply. It helps :) x

01-03-14, 21:21
Doesn't it make you wish we were still in the Stone Age and could just go and poo behind a bush and wipe with a leaf and think nothing else of it.

I used to rent a house which had a dark purple (aubergine?) bathroom suite. So the toilet was dark coloured. Now THAT was a nightmare for the first few weeks, I couldn't see ANYTHING! What if my poo was pink and I just couldn't see it? :ohmy: but after I got used to it, it was very agreeable, I just didn't think about it!

I'm sure you're fine Claire, but your post did make me laugh- respect to you for confessing to us!

Lin xx

01-03-14, 21:46
My partner is a really well spoken London Gentleman. He has been giving me disgusted looks all afternoon.

For whatever reason I see an image of John Cleese with that look you describe? ~lol~

Positive thoughts

01-03-14, 23:21
Ha ha ha ha! FMP Now I do too! :p

Lin, Thank you. It was a new low. ;) x