View Full Version : hi everyone

lee. p
01-03-14, 13:49
hi there im lee and just wondering where to start. just over 2 years ago i felt dazed and had a dry mouth while at work so someone had to drive me home. about 6 months after that i lost my job because one day i was there then the next day i might not have been. the doctor i was under never sent me for any blood tests he just said i had a bit of stress and anxiety. since then under a different doctor i have had numerous blood tests, fbc and tested for lots of different things and the only thing what showed up was a thyroid problem for which i take meds for and the numbers have become more stable. yet i dont feel any different. november last year i felt like i had something stuck in my throat after i ate a blt sandwich and i couldnt dislodge it so i got told it might be acid reflux so iv been on omeprazole since november and still on it now and gaviscon advance at night for the same amount of time and up till last weekend seemed ok. then last weekend after i had some dinner i felt strange during eating and after eating i felt like heat coming from my arms and got started panicking. a few weeks earlier i was also out for a walk out at night and started having feelings in my head and the thought were saying to me u hav got ur fone so call an ambulance but i just tryed to be calm and get home quick then it seemed to go away. i also went to see a ent doctor who said it looks like acid reflux and he sent me to have a barium meal or swallow and x rays on my esophagus and stomach and when i had that dum the doc who did them as far as he can see everything looks ok but he will have to have a closer look. i have had the acid reflux back this week and got it now at the minute and the worrying thing which i explained to my doctor on wednesday is i feel like every time i eat something is going to happen like the lump in the throat feeling and now before i eat during and after i think its the panicking thats making me feel ill after eating. they seem to reassure anxiety and panicking whats doing it but its hard to eat and take my mind off it while doing so. now every time i eat its difficult but its something we have to do every day. the doctor also put me on a months worth of sertraline on wednesday when i saw her but she said might take a while for them. i wondered if anyone has the scared of eating problem what im going through cos i hope its in my head whats happening and hope its something i can sort out. sorry for the essay, lee :)

01-03-14, 14:56
Hi lee I can relate to some of what your saying anxiety can cause alsorts of awfull symptoms,you will fine lots of help and support here x

lee. p
01-03-14, 15:24
thank you mrs stress ed:) its just the thought of doing something what we need to do every day as in eat is just making me panic. iv been assured it just the anxiety and panicking and im trying to relax, i do remember an episode when i was 15 years old when i was lying down in bed and i felt i was going to die, that was 23 years ago and i got put on some tablets for my nerves, cant remember what they were. now its just trying to realise that iv seen a ent doctor hes had a look he thinks everythings ok and hopefully when the doctor who took the scans says after he took them everything looked ok as he looked there and then but yet the feeling still remains is it something else even with all the blood tests i have had done over the last year and half, including 2 fbc's yet still i think is it something else:weep: just wish i could eat normally and try not to panic, i will keep trying, thanx for the reply mrs stress ed.

01-03-14, 15:30
Your welcome i no how hard it is i had horrible symptoms ,but i was constantly focusing on them ,i dont anymore i accept its anxiety its hard but you can do it lee good luck x

lee. p
01-03-14, 15:35
thank you :) x

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ----------

another thing i didnt mention when i saw the doc on wednesday she took my blood pressure. it gave a reading of 124/80 which shocked me and after that i panicked thinking why is it that good lol. a few years ago i had it as high as 140/98 yet the other day it was ok. i thought if i had anxiety and and panics my blood pressure would be bad. the doc still gave me the sertraline though so hope they make me feel alot better