View Full Version : BP Improving!!!!!

01-03-14, 14:53
hello everyone thank you for all the advice I have had recently!

I was put on Propanolol 40 mg 3 x daily as required yesterday as well as already being on Lisinopril 5mg.

Well what can I say I had headache and felt off at around 1:30pm yesterday took 40mg of the propanolol and what a difference! headache vanished and felt fantastic pretty much the rest of the day was still wide awake at 11:30 joking around.

got to bed at 12pm was woken by one of my daughters at 4am crying and she ended up bouncing around our bed for 30 mins or so until we got her calmed down again, and had to be up at 6am for food shopping as usual.

So really didn't even have much sleep, still no headache when I woke up, felt ok, took my pills at 9am when I got home with a nice cuppa.

Been feeling fine all day, no headache as yet, no dizziness, no hot flush, feeling high in spirits, took my bp once all day with 117/76 as the result! heart rate of 68 that was after 2 hours of walking around the park with my daughters,

What can I say? Lisinopril seemed to do nothing for me but the propanolol is magic? pre prop readings were 170/120 average by the way for comparison! and only took 40 mg today so far....

01-03-14, 15:23
Propranolol is used for a whole range of conditions including high blood pressure, anxiety and headaches, so it isn't surprising it has helped you out.

Just be careful as rarely it can cause depression as a side effect.

I would try not to get obsessed with taking BP and pulse readings all the time. They can vary so much almost minute to minute.

01-03-14, 15:35
True, was only really taking on drs advice but I found it was highest at the same time as my symptoms came on.

Only taken once all day, but may not take now for a few days. Can just tell by how I feel.