View Full Version : daughter cut her finger on tin can

01-03-14, 17:22
Ok well I'm so upset. my little girl bin raided an empty tin whilst I went to answer the phone and cut herself.

After what seemed a lifetime it has stopped bleeding and has a plaster on. We were told not to put any antiseptic on it.

I'm massively concerned that she may develop blood poisoning or tetanus. She is fine and I am in bits :( I feel so irrational but I don't know how I'd live with myself if anything happened :(

01-03-14, 17:30
well the good news is, your daughter came to no harm so worrying is no use - just calm down and accept she's fine :)

02-03-14, 00:09
The amount of times I've cut my hand opening tins of tuna for my cat. I remember cutting my finger VERY badly when I was 13 (you could pull the flesh apart and see stringy bits and bone). I absolutely refused to go and get stitches, and it healed up just fine. I have a decent scar, but no tetanus, no blood poisoning. she would have already had a tetanus shot so here's no chance of that developing :) And this risk of blood poisnoning is very slim. You only have to be concerned about that if it starts showing signs of infection and she gets very sick (again EXTREMELY unlikely). She sounds like she is fine :) I think mum's a bit more impacted than anything else.

02-03-14, 01:05
If she has not had a tetanus shot within the past seven years, it would be responsible to get her one.
Beyond that, she should be fine. Kids get cut frequently.

02-03-14, 01:21
The real issue here is how you have reacted to it and that needs treatment more than your daughter to be honest

02-03-14, 02:01
I do agree your daughter will be fine tetanus is a Bactria that thrives on rust now many can's are not at all rusty i suggest if you see any sign's of rust or the can is more than 2 year's old that your daughter is taken for her tetanus booster the next day, other than that there's no concern.

02-03-14, 02:04
Well it wouldn't occur to me to worry about this. I agree with the administrator that it is your reaction that is of greater worry. Are you currently seeing a therapist? If not, I think this is something to talk to your doctor about.

02-03-14, 10:27
She is only 1 and it was bleeding quite badly which is why I was worried. It has just started again. But to be honest I think this will be my last post on here, people come on here for some help not for people to be rude.

Thankyou everyone for your replies :)

02-03-14, 11:52
She is only 1 and it was bleeding quite badly which is why I was worried. It has just started again. But to be honest I think this will be my last post on here, people come on here for some help not for people to be rude.

Thankyou everyone for your replies :)

I don't think anyone was intentionally rude, although perhaps it was phrased badly. The point was more that you were feeling overly anxious (although obviously every parent would feel bad to see their child hurt), and that the biggest problem in this situation is the anxiety that you feel, rather than the cut finger. I think this is true for us all - anxiety is the problem, rather than the issue we're anxious about.

Take care.

02-03-14, 13:12
It is normal to worry when your child is I'll or hurt. I do believe that what people are trying to say it that when we suffer from HA, we often worry and let irrational thoughts rule our thought processes, which is the real point of your post. Most people without HA would never stop to think that a small cut off of a can would lead to blood poisoning or to tetanus.
I don't think anyone was meaning to be rude. I think they are trying to suggest that you get some help for your HA. CBT can be very useful in combatting irrational thoughts like the "what if's".
Ask yourself what you are doing to help your anxiety and to change those irrational thoughts into rational ones? CBT, one on one therapy, meditation, acceptance, mindfulness?
If you are still concerned about your daughter, take her to her pediatrician. But take care of your anxiety. We are glad to help you with that.

02-03-14, 13:19
I didnt automatically think of tetanus, it was mentioned to me over the phone by the 111 service.

I know I have anxiety obviously, and I am working towards that. Whether it was intentionally rude or not I do not know, all I know is that it certainly came off as rude an judgmental, which I get enough of from my family I don't need it off strangers too :-)

This site has offered me loads of support which I am grateful for but its not for me anymore so this is my time ti bow out :).