View Full Version : who is fed up with anxiety and wants a solution, but doesn't know where to start?

01-03-14, 18:09
The solution doesn't come from anywhere external. We already provide the tools to overcome anxiety, we all have anxiety off switch inside of us. Its about changing our conditioning, you see anxiety is not an illness, its an emotional, behavioral condition. When we first have anxiety and continuously repeat the behavior our subconscious mind sees this as normal and adopts it, we consciously know that it's not right but our subconscious cannot tell between whats real and whats not. In order to overcome anxiety, we need to condition our minds and change our behaviours

01-03-14, 18:58
The lack of posts on this thread shows a lot!

01-03-14, 19:02
Where do you start? I wish someone would show me the way :( I keep having the odd good day then plummet.

01-03-14, 20:27
Theres no easy way out of my diagnosis sever health anxiety And G.A.D i guess there the same in many ways all so just recently i was diagnosed with Somatization disorder and sever depression i am seeing a psychologist keeping my fingers crossed ,I appreciate any help :)

01-03-14, 20:41
The lack of posts on this thread shows a lot!

Negative thing to say, don't you think?

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:31 ----------

Where do you start? I wish someone would show me the way :( I keep having the odd good day then plummet.

I found a way out of my anxiety by using an anxiety elimination program a few years back, I can give you the plan i used to overcome, basically I stopped visiting the doctors, I stopped researching online about the symptoms, I stopped talking about my problems in my own way, because I learnt that talking about it only strengthens the anxiety.

I kept my mind occupied by doing exciting new things, foe example i learnt to play the guitar, learnt how to juggle, indulged my mind into reading interesting things to take my mind off things, it feels strange at first because your anxiety is so automatically that it takes a while to condition your mind, but with persistence it pays off. I also should mention that a good diet and exercise is extremely helpful.

---------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38 ----------

The lack of posts on this thread shows a lot!

Btw how did your anxiety start in the first place, you may blame others, or a certain situation or w.e but ultimately your the one who created it in your own mind to start with, so the only way to overcome it is reversing what you did.

01-03-14, 22:11
Negative thing to say, don't you think?

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:31 ----------

-------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38 ----------

Btw how did your anxiety start in the first place, you may blame others, or a certain situation or w.e but ultimately your the one who created it in your own mind to start with, so the only way to overcome it is reversing what you did.

Sorry, I didn't mean to come across that way, I was referring to the large numbers in one forum, and less in this one.

Yeah I understand completely, I created my anxiety and all of my other problems myself through percieving things in the wrong way. However i don't think the reversing is needed, I feel just understanding that I'm creating my own reality is enough, that's all. Although Buddhist/Hindu teachings have helped me a lot as well.

01-03-14, 22:15
Luna meant that people don't seem to want to get better sometimes I think and not that your post was rubbish or anything

01-03-14, 22:33
Luna meant that people don't seem to want to get better sometimes I think and not that your post was rubbish or anything

That's exactly what I meant, thank you :)

01-03-14, 22:38
Luna meant that people don't seem to want to get better sometimes I think and not that your post was rubbish or anything

I think people give up trying to get better if they have health anxiety for instants and they start gradually doing things each day but still find after a week they still have symptoms then after 2 weeks they still have symptoms then they start thinking like me i must be ill i am doing these things but these pains wont go.
I personally am going to try again and be more positive.
Recovery is a long term process i think we are talking months not weeks a psychologist and any other help you can get.
Some people are stronger that's human nature that's life some people are weak that's life we are all built different that's why we get in this state its what level of anxiety you have determines the approach you will take.
I have read story's about people that have been fighting it for years.
We all just have to do that and keep fighting that's my plan.

Gregs92 where you a health anxiety sufferer with many symptoms?

01-03-14, 22:40
Luna I understood where you were coming from. I was surprised though that no one had replied. I'm up for any advice as I'm so sick of this anxiety.
Gregg. Isn't a bit worrying not visiting your doctor. Although I may as well not bother as my local doctors are a husband and wife team and I'm not alone in thinking they are terrible and uncaring in their practice. Once I get a bit stronger and can drive again I'm changing practices as I need some support. Juggling sounds fun! Don't think I have a musical bone in my body though. I used to bake but I get panicked just trying to weigh things out now lol.

01-03-14, 23:00
I think people give up trying to get better if they have health anxiety for instants and they start gradually doing things each day but still find after a week they still have symptoms then after 2 weeks they still have symptoms then they start thinking like me i must be ill i am doing these things but these pains wont go.
I personally am going to try again and be more positive.
Recovery is a long term process i think we are talking months not weeks a psychologist and any other help you can get.
Some people are stronger that's human nature that's life some people are weak that's life we are all built different that's why we get in this state its what level of anxiety you have determines the approach you will take.
I have read story's about people that have been fighting it for years.
We all just have to do that and keep fighting that's my plan.

Keep going Dexter, it definitely does take time but you can get back to feeling good again. I know what you mean though, I had anxiety for years prior to getting HA, dealing with social anxiety,GAD, BDD etc were fine as you were always safe on your own, but health anxiety is completely different and in my experience, it's the worst out of them all. It's incredibly hard to get under control, but it is still beatable.

Try not to fight, learn to accept your fears and symptoms, when they pop up just say hello and achknowlege them, that's all. You don't need to get in an argument with them, after all you wouldn't get straight into an argument with someone else if they were scared and ill, you'd comfort them :)

01-03-14, 23:12
Thanks luna
I appreciate any help i am trying to take everything in people are telling me and what my doctor says.
I have spent all of my week on the forum and some times previously this is a step for me.
Before i joined the forum i spent my life in my bed looking at walls day in day out or laying on my couch listens to 80s on cable TV missing days weeks of work watching my family struggle seeing me like this they still find it hard but i am moving and functioning a little bit, its a start being on the computer feeding my animals every day again and doing little bits around the house.I still feel terrible but i am not laying on that couch shacking all day in fear.I still have fear of course i do i still have pain.
And i will probably vent about some horrible symptom again an again.
So any advice Greg i welcome it.