View Full Version : heart virus fears?

01-03-14, 18:33
im currently suffering from a bad flu super achey nauseous cough etc.
im really scared that the virus will enter my heart and kill me! something called myocarditis that i heard about people have a mild cold next thing they're dead.
i am trying to be logical and think well almost everyone gets a virus at least once a year and only a tiny percentage get myocarditis. but i always think that could be me in that percentage.
i feel dizzy and tired and out of breath and im scared it's my heart :(
i was supposed to stay over at my friends house but i know i won't have fun because ill be thinking of this every minute.

01-03-14, 18:54
Don't think about it and go and have fun.

Live life and don't worry about things that will 99.9999999999% never happen

01-03-14, 19:20
im currently suffering from a bad flu super achey nauseous cough etc.
im really scared that the virus will enter my heart and kill me! something called myocarditis that i heard about people have a mild cold next thing they're dead.
i am trying to be logical and think well almost everyone gets a virus at least once a year and only a tiny percentage get myocarditis. but i always think that could be me in that percentage.
i feel dizzy and tired and out of breath and im scared it's my heart :(
i was supposed to stay over at my friends house but i know i won't have fun because ill be thinking of this every minute.

My little boy got sick with a bad cold virus a few months ago, which included a rash.
After consulting Dr. Google, I became convinced that he had Kawasaki disease, a rare condition which affects children and can damage their hearts.
I actually took him to the emergency room twice, seeking reassurance that it wasn't Kawasaki disease... which unfortunately, they could not give me, because there is no definitive test for it. It is a diagnosis of exclusion. Basically, if a child has a severe respiratory virus, and then later develops heart problems, it can then be diagnosed as Kawasaki disease. The only reassurance they could give me is that it's extremely rare, and mostly affects Asians (which we are not).
Anyway, it turned out it wasn't anything but an ordinary cold virus.
I am sure yours, too, is an ordinary virus, as myocarditis is also extremely rare, and there is no real reason to believe you have it, except that you are afraid you do.
That is a symptom of our anxiety disorder: catastrophisizing (did I spell that right?)
We always assume and fear the worst case scenario, even if it is a billion times less likely than some benign explanation, such as, well... an ordinary cold.
Remember: just because you can imagine something, even if you can imagine it vividly, in great detail, that does not make it real. It means you have a good imagination, and you are using it to frighten yourself, which is something I've been doing for as long as I can remember.
It is highly unlikely that your cold will damage your heart. You know this.
Please be brave. Our disease is anxiety disorder, nothing more.

01-03-14, 19:31
Millions of people get the flu each year and pull through with no problems. I've never heard of a heart virus before and really don't think it's worth the worry. Just concentrate on getting better, take some pain killers and cough medicine, keep the fluids up and rest.