View Full Version : Pregnancy

25-11-06, 10:11
Hi everyone!

I'm after a bit of advice if anyone can help. My boyfriend & I want to try for a baby, but I'm on beta blockers (Propranalol) & 75mg of Venlafaxine for severe panic attacks. I've been taking these for years now. Went to the doc last night, and with no consultation about options or what stage I'm at with the panic attacks, he just cut the dosage to half & said I needed to come off them!

Naturally I'm worried about this. Does anyone know about the risks of Venlafaxine during pregnancy & whether I should try to come off it or not?



25-11-06, 12:34

Try going on the BNF website or asking a pharmacist. I am a midwife burt dont know enough about it to advise you.

Linda xx

25-11-06, 12:37
Any drugs during pregnancy isnt good. Your not even supposed to have paracetamol. What you need to be aware of is what goes into you goes into your body then of course yout baby.
These drugs can be addicitive so you are going to be 'weened' off them. If you continue to take them and when the baby is born the baby automatically stops then the baby will have withdrawal symptoms. I know its harsh. But I beleieve that is why. xxxxx

Good luck and congratulations. :O)

25-11-06, 16:30
Hi caramel,when I saw my gp about starting a family,she said I would have to come off the antidepressants completely.

Ellen XX

18-01-08, 06:47

I think you should try to seek the advice of another doctor.
