View Full Version : is this a panic attack or am I just a drama queen?

01-03-14, 20:18
Hi everyone. I think (as in not diagnosed but think anxiety is a culprit) I had an episode. I have recently been freaking about cancer (health anxiety? ) and my relationship is in pieces, my job is super stressful and I'm buying a house. Earlier today I drive the wrong way in a carpark and a man really laid in to me about it. As in "are you blind? Who do you think you are? People like you" etc. Ok I realise I went the wrong way in a car park but it didn't actually affect him and u strait away said sorry. He totally over reacted. Why can't people be nice? "Excuse me but did you know. .... I wouldn't want you to get hurt"would have been fine. Anyway I was already feeling fragile and I burst into tears and felt like I couldn't breath properly. Short Sharp breaths and felt like my chest was tightening, took me five minutes to calm down and this bloke was all steteotypical 'woman driver,'attitude. Why am I getting so worked up? Two years ago o probably would have flipped him the bird and carried on. Im so sensitive.
Thanks for reading any insight would be SO much appreciated xx

01-03-14, 20:45
could be anxiety the old me could go out get smashed crawl home have an headache the day after and get over it

now if i have more than 3 pints i feel absolutely awful for most of the day after pains twinges etc etc its just general anxiety

so its the same thing the old new and the new you you are really sensitive to things that wouldn't bother you before


01-03-14, 22:37
The it's anxiety, we get really sensitive when we are full of negative energy don't worry

02-03-14, 01:53
It sounds like you hyperventilated a bit, but I wouldn't necessarily call that a panic attack. When you have a panic attack, you really bloody know about it! It's entirely possible that the stress you've been under recently has caused you to be a bit more adrenaline-fueled - happens to us all. I wouldn't worry about it at all.

If you find that this is happening quite frequently and that it is having a real impact on your ability to function, I would seek therapy.

Hope you feel better soon