View Full Version : Still anxiety?

01-03-14, 22:32
I've been doing well recently. I was fine today apart from an issue with my fingers I've previously posted about, which may or may not be related.

I admit it, I googled. Not the panicky stuff of before, more just looking at RSI type things and was looking for exercises that might help. Of course MS and ALS came up on the list, but I ignored them because I don't have those.

Anyway, I suddenly felt this fierce burning on the entire left side of my torso and upper arm. I though it might be anxiety, but my pulse was still at a calm 65 and I didn't feel anxious until I got the sensation. I began to worry and quickly came out with severe hives (which I know are an anxiety thing) on my left hand and wrist, which lasted about 20 mins.

Does this sound like anxiety? I've had the burning before but not in such a massive area and to such a great severity. I thought I'd left my MS fears behind me until this!

13-03-14, 22:42
Yes i get burning all over and at times can be very fierce its not been to bad for a few weeks now but last time i got it was when i got worked up about seeing my boss to tell him why i could not be at work because of my HA.