View Full Version : Weird head sensation :(

02-03-14, 04:06
Hey everyone, for the last 2 days I've been having this weird head sensation. I also get this tingly/ticklish feeling (like how you feel before a sneeze) in my nose. And the top of my has the same sensation. :(

Along with that, I'm getting a bit of de realization in my legs and hands. It feels like they aren't apart of my body. :( ahh. I know the limbs and hands thing is anxiety, but not the head and nose thing. :( any ideas?

02-03-14, 06:20
Anxiety i used to get this and thought i was having an allergic reaction to something. So iwould pop allergy pills and get all worked up when they didn't work. I still get it sometimes but not nearly as bad as i used too.

05-03-14, 02:45
That's exactly what it feels like but with a bit of dizziness as well

that's good that it's not as constant for you as before. Luckily I haven't had it at all for the last two days (knock on wood)

05-03-14, 03:44
That sounds like a bit of nerve irritation, which anxiety is of course wonderful at. I get the 'legs aren't there' feeling sometimes, like they're way too light or the nerves aren't working right. Can be very freaky when you have other symptoms.