View Full Version : New girl in Northampton, born in London.

02-03-14, 04:19
I'm having a really tough time right now and I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm 22, have suffered from depression and anxiety since I was 13 but have only had treatment in the past 3 years. Overall I'm actually doing really well, but the past two weeks have been absolute hell and I don't feel like anyone understands. My mother also suffers from depression and is so wrapped up in her own troubles that she can't give me the love or attention I need, which is really damaging my self esteem. I need an escape from university at the moment, as things are really stressful and I need some head space, but I have nowhere to go. My family would usually be my safe haven, but going back home is like living in a war zone, everyone fights all the time and I'm not equipped to deal with it. I just desperately need someone to so me some compassion and give me a hug, it seems like it's been an awfully long time since I had one of those.
Ta for listening, apologies for the moan.

02-03-14, 09:18
Hi Aurora, this is a really great site, and you will find a lot of help on here, so welcome. I spent about 20 years living in Northampton, and did my nurse training at the general hospital but had lectures at UCN, at Moulton Park, unless it has changed.

I started getting depression when i was 13 too, but i never got it treated, and i think then, they didnt know what to do with it. Now i am getting help though, but i do feel like no one understands, except for some great people i have talked too on here.

You are not moaning, your just feeling alone right now, and need some healing. I hope you find it, but writing on here always helps me, so i promise you, you are not moaning. So many of us out there are struggling, and if you saw me you would never know i get depression, but i hide it well.
Just hang in there, but i send you a hug to keep you safe.

02-03-14, 13:55
Welcome Aurora. NMP is my safe port and haven...lots of virtual hugs and support going on in here.

Nobody thinks you are moaning, quite the contrary. We all have ups and downs...life is a bit of a ruthless and non-stop roller coaster isn't it? Any ways, hope you are back on the up real soon - the guys here sure do help :)

All the best


02-03-14, 22:29
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.