View Full Version : day 2 citraphlam

02-03-14, 12:01
second day now on 20mg feeling ok, slightly wierd body seems to be sought of tingling. but as i held of taking these for so long i am going to see the month trail out and so whats what.:)

02-03-14, 12:57
It will take awhile before your body adjusts to the citalopram. Every person's body reacts differently to medication, to SSRI's in particular. If you use the search tool and type in citalopram, you will find a wealth of information.

I take citalopram and it has been very helpful for me. Very wise decision to give it a month and stick with it. I hope that it helps you Are you doing other things to help your anxiety, as I have found that medication is never a cure all. CBT has helped me a great deal in retraining my brain surrounding irrational thoughts.
Good luck on your journey.

02-03-14, 13:48
Hey CW, come and check out the Cit specific forum down in the meds section on the home forum page.

Nice crowd in there, some helpful tips and advice too.

As Tanner says, Cit takes a while to work and is prone to side-effects (SEs) early on so stick with it. I'm 11 weeks in and feeling much more like my old self.

Welcome to NMP :)

02-03-14, 20:02
cheers will do

02-03-14, 23:37
cheers will do

Keep us posted mate!

07-03-14, 16:02
Be prepared for some pretty extreme symptoms, but not everyone is the same. You might be absolutely fine, but just keep us posted, since help is only a click away as the saying goes on here, but it is true.

08-03-14, 22:56

08-03-14, 23:17
Hi I am new to the forum and new to Citalopram as well. I've only been taking it for a few days aso far for severe anxiety and depression.

I have found nausea to be the worst symptom for me. I get it even if I take my pill with a full meal. Because I have a fear of puking, this makes me panic and for some reason my panics the last few days have been a lot stronger. One was so bad I was actually considering calling 999. I have never been like that with a panic attack before. I was told to expect some dodgy side effects for the first few weeks so just gotta grin and bear it :(

08-03-14, 23:24
I am on Sertraline, but my sister is on Cit. The nausea is the one side effect that really bothered her too, but it passes in the first couple of weeks. Don't be surprised if your anxiety and panic increases in both severity and frequency (and it sounds like it has). That happens to many of us and is perfectly normal. It sucks, but it will go away too. If it gets too bad you might consider talking to your doc about something to take the edge off until the start up period goes away.

08-03-14, 23:38

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