View Full Version : Dizziness could it be anxiety??

02-03-14, 12:06
I have had dizzy spells since Xmas. They are slowly getting worse. Treated for Labyrinthitis to start with. Referral to ENT who say it's not my ears so I need MRI. Dizziness can be from woozy to disabling. What's the possibility it could be anxiety? No tablets prescribed for dizziness/nausea are touching it. Desperate :weep:

02-03-14, 12:47
i have just posted about the dizziness i have had since 5pm last evening - - this symptom does crop up in lots of the 'anxiety 'books as a harmless symptom. BUT it always freaks me out.
i feel scared of contacting the out of hours medics - i have been taken to hospital twice in the last couple of years ( thankfully) told it was only panic / stress.
but you feel such a fool for complaing yet again:weep::weep::weep:
and yet all we need is for a sympethetic doctor to say (yes i understand what you are going through, it is terrifying - but you are OK)
the trouble is - as we all know this is just a quick fix - it is a fix that we need!!!! even in the short term -
we can't all miraculously change our thought pattern no matter how hard we try

02-03-14, 12:53
Sorry you are going through this too. It's the not knowing

02-03-14, 13:02
SJR, if you take a look at the symptoms page, you will find that being dizzy is a very common symptom of anxiety. I, personally, have had dizzy spells as a piece of my anxiety and depression. With that being said, I would certainly continue on with the game plan that your physician has set up. Have the MRI and trust your doctor as to the results. While the waiting and the not knowing are difficult, answers will come in time.
I find that working on a program of CBT and learning how to change my irrational thoughts into rational ones, helps me a great deal.

02-03-14, 15:45
just posted this on another thread

I have just spoken to my 'out of hours doctor' who says that this bout of dizzy / giddyness sounds like Benign Posture Vertigo - harmless and should be back to Normal (whatever that is) within 24hrs