View Full Version : Palpatations worries

02-03-14, 16:48
Hey all..been having palps for a month..am on 40mg propranolol which helps. The main trigger is my evening meal but am almost certain this is psychological. I have panicked several times resulting in racing heartbeat, a&e visit and generally feeling even more stressed. I have tried really hard to address as many issues as I can but spent most of yhe weekend convinced I have angina and heart disease. I just can't get my head around that this is anxiety. I have pains and heavyness in my chest and indigestion symptomsmost days and of course I am noticing every twinge my body makes..not sure where to go from here

02-03-14, 17:24

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

05-03-14, 17:46
I know what it's like, I've been getting a lot of muscle spasms recently and some times they're on the left side of my neck or chest lasting a few seconds and I freak out wondering if it's my heart and if I might have AF (don't google if if you don't know what it is).

Catherine S
05-03-14, 22:50
There is a proven connection between stomach and heart via the Vagus nerve. This nerve is the longest one in our body and goes from the base of our brain to the groin area, but it kind of meanders through various organs on its way. It particularly affects the stomach and the heart-rate, meaning that if you eat something that irritates your stomach then it can also irritate your heart. I also take 40mg propranolol but only in the last few years, whereas the connection between my stomach and heart has been going on for longer, however...betablockers like propranolol can interfere with digestion and heart because it slows the system down.


06-03-14, 21:51
Hi Marie. I get lots of palpitations and although they started after an operation, they can be affected by diet, stress, cold weather etc.

I find small meals are better than heavy ones. I try to avoid foods that give me gas and wind. I read an article a while ago about a man suffering with a racing heart who tracked it down to eating foods with the chemical tyramine in it - google Daily Mail tyramine. It is found especially in cheese, wine, overripe fruit , certain beans, avocados, anything aged like strong cheeses and meats like pepperoni. I am now avoiding these to see if it helps. Obviously, caffeine is definitely out.

Hope this helps.

09-03-14, 21:57
Thanks so much for the replys..haven't had a palpatations for nearly a week...fingers crossed...still getting the indigestion so going to discuss with Gp this week...much less stressed since starting mediation so hoping its onwards and upwards..thanks all

Round in circles
14-03-14, 19:22
My palpitations are definitely aggravated by certain foods. My GP said she thought it was connected to irritation of the vagus nerve, but the gastro enterology doc didn't agree. I'm inclined to agreed with the GP on this one though.

15-03-14, 23:22
For great reassurance on palps, look at the answers given by Dr David Richardson on the All Experts Cardiology forum. His stock answer is that in a structurally normal heart pvcs are benign and never lead to a problem no matter how frequent.